Building The Technocratic Panopticon

Authored/Edited- RS Hart


The capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. As I have already noted, it will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen, in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities

-Zbignew Brzezinski 1968

The above qoute as pronounced by Brzezinski over 40 years ago, Almost perfectly describes the current technotronic era that the world has shifted into. Was it a warning?, An inside insight? Who knows, but the reality is that what has been talked about by those seeking to increase centralized( Sociological and Psychological) authority, primarily through technological means is here and now.

The concept of the Panopticon as envisioned by Jeremy Bentham some 200 years ago, was a material failure in it’s time. But it’s spirit has lived on and has been integrated into what we could now call a a global (Technological) Panopticon.

Manipulation and control of the Masses is achieved through various means,some too vast to discuss in this article.But the main goal here is to illustrate the technological framework of a global surveillance system that is incrementally being implemented. If that sounds too crazy for you turn back now.

To begin with Current events, one aspect of the creeping surveillance state is Social Media monitoring. Prior to this week’s high profile Ft lauderdale Airport shooting, In December The DHS began implementing ( “optional”) monitoring of Foreign travelers social media accounts. Of course the primary pretext of Public safety and Anti-terrorism is implied here.
So with these continued events where the perpetrators were being monitored by the F.B.I., N.S.A. etc. How long will it be until it is required of ALL citizens to submit their social media activity to the Federal government,so that they can be satisfied that you are not a public threat, and that you’re sanctioned to travel?

If invasive physical searches,Violation of privacy and Secret government watch lists of citizens aren’t enough to “protect” public safety,of course the next incremental measure will be Biometric behavior based scanning A.K.A Mind reading Machines. Feel safe yet? Knowing that you’re a test subject in a massive surveillance project?

Pre-crime Reality, Locking down the System

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Pre-crime” another fictional concept,that is now mirrored into reality was first introduced in Phillip K Dick’s short story The Minority Report. As dystopic and and Sci-fi as this may sound, it’s a concept that is becoming a reality. In fact many police departments across the nation have implemented software and technologies that have adopted the concept of predictive policing,tracking the habits of a selected population in order to prevent further crime. Further studies have been conducted by Government affiliated analyst’s such as the Rand Corporation,and Stanford Research institute.
According to a Stanford research paper,this has gone far beyond conceptual and is currently on pace to be in use in a majority of American cities by 2030. Again this is no longer a fictional nor conceptual,it has advanced into an operational reality.

With this predictive policing model,Social Media again pops up as a big component of data mining the public. AI already scans and analyzes Twitter and other social media platforms to identify individuals prone to radicalization,
despite the well intention of such prevention it continues to expand to the rest of the public dramaticaly. As the report noted:

“Law enforcement agencies are increasingly interested in trying to detect plans for disruptive events from social media, and also to monitor activity at large gatherings of people to analyze security,” “There is significant work on crowd simulations to determine how crowds can be controlled.
” At the same time, legitimate concerns have been raised about the potential for law enforcement agencies to overreach and use such tools to violate people’s privacy.”

With the continuing advent of Computing,Artificial intelligence,and the “Internet of Things” (IOT) almost everything in the world (especially people) has become trackable,tracable and to a certain extent predictable. There is a long term plan in place to continue to use predictive models and tracking. The D.O.D being one of the biggest proponents has published a long term study entitled Defense 2045. As explained in Defense 2045:

The rise of the IOT and Big Data has profound implications for the defense community and society in general. Nearly every sector of the economy will be impacted: from Healthcare,to manufacturing to transportation- and especially finance and information technology. Two of the major outgrowths of Big Data are better abilities to track (people,,things,behavior and so on) and Predict (Defense 2045,page 35)

Mind Reading The Masses, No longer Sci-Fi


For the Technocratic elite,nothing is left to chance. Advanced planning using Artificial intelligence and Analytic science is currently taking place. Through decades of information gathering (NSA spying primarily) the expected action/reaction of the public is gauged and predicted. Currently The C.I.A. claims that through it’s A.I quantum computing it can predict any social uprising 3-5 days in advance. Yet they can’t predict a terrorist attack or Mass shooting/Financial crisis, that will be used to justify even more erosion of personal freedom’s? Think about that for a minute.

The mad scientists at DARPA are another major contributor to building the Surveillance state framework. When they’re not perfecting way’s to autonomously kill or track down any of the D.O.D’s randomly selected enemies, They too are involved with mind reading the public and predicting their intended actions.

There’s a popular saying that if you aren’t paranoid, Then you aren’t paying attention. It’s not the intent of the article to make you paranoid, but aware of the facts of how these technologies are being used against you. In a world were everything is chipped and tracked the best recourse is to continue to research, identify and expose the plans of those who use these technologies to seize the freedoms of the public.

Moving Towards a Cashless World Order?


At one point in recent history it was said that “Cash is King”, Well that no longer seems to be the case. in fact there is a concerted effort to phase out Physical money/assets, and to make the majority of the population dependent upon credit’s and digital money. Sure if you really know your research, you’ll already know that Federal Reserve notes, A.K.A. Dollars are simply notes printed to denote a Debt to the fractional reserve banking system. But the latest plan seems to be to phase out any kind of physical wealth and to replace it with digital credit, (Of course kept in the care of Government, or Government affiliated Banking institutions). And of course if you aren’t already independently wealthy, or economically independent (which most of us are not..) You are subjected into submitting to the coming Cashless World order

What the world saw in The Global Economic Crash (Nee,Swindle) of 2008 is proof that Governments will do whatever they can to prop up the (current) global economic system of profit and monopoly,And if those same governments that supported the bailouts of the financial industry were willing to mortage away their citizens (In)vestments,than they would surely be willing to use them as test subjects for a global cashless control system.

The phasing out of physical (Cash) assets has been a slow drip methodology, with the advent of credit and Debit payments citizens have been encouraged to rely on their bank cards rather than carrying a wad of cash in their wallet. And so Electronic payment has become a Global Phenomena,Many countries around the world are slowly instituting programs that either outright ban large amounts of cash or place a restriction on it’s use.

The current list includes Countries such as:

CANADA– In 2007 the Canadian government stopped allowing payment of taxes in cash at government service centers. In 2010 Passport Canada followed suit. In 2012 The Canadian mint introduced the Mintchip credit payment system, moving further away from cash to a credit based system.

MEXICO – In 2013 the Mexican government banned cash payments of more than 500,000 pesos for real estate and more than 200,000 pesos for cars, jewelry or lottery tickets.

U.K. – In 2014 cashless payments surpassed cash payments for the first time in the UK,and just last year the Bank of England’s chief economist made the case for negative interest rates and abolishing cash.

INDIA– India is one of the most cash-dependent economies in the world with a cash-to-GDP ratio of 12%, almost four times that of fellow BRICS nations Brazil and South Africa. Just recently in 2015 India pulled 86% of it’s cash assets out of circulation,causing a mass chaos across the country. The direct shortage of cash, with no reliable alternative system in wide use among the nation’s poorer majority, resulted in demand that outstripped supply on every front for physical cash and a means of exchange,which could bring the daily functioning of the Nations Economy to halt.

These same trends are incrementally taking place in many other nations such as China, The European Union,and Several South American nations. <em>While none of these countries have fully eliminated cash from circulation, the banks/government make is sound “trendy”,or convenient to never use cash. Why force a policy change when you can convince the people to hand over their freewill?

Alongside these internal Banker/Bureaucrat plans to phase out cash, The secretive “discussions” of the Bildeberg Group have also centered on the Abolition of cash economies in favor of a One world economic credit system.

A cashless Society could be the ultimate form of control, lorded over by Technocrats and Elitists. A “chipped” population would be the ultimate leverage in such a digital system,and if the people cant be convinced of that, they can always be forced.

If society becomes cashless, dissenters can’t hide cash. All of their financial holdings would be vulnerable to an attack by the government.
This would be the ultimate form of control. Because – without access to money – people couldn’t resist, couldn’t hide and couldn’t escape.