Ghost in the Xmas Machine,SantaNet AI could destroy the world

Happy Holiday’s folks,and Merry Christmas,Yule, Saturnalia ,Kwanzaa,Hanukkah and whatever alternative cultural label you choose to tack on to this end of year holiday time. With the surreality of 2020 being put behind us. I hope that all of you and those fortunate enough to still gather with your families,were able to get some kind of joy or semblance of human connection out of the holiday’s. And if you did..savor it,for it may be one of our last memorable Christmas before a potentially murderous “SantaNet” AI system could come along and change the holiday’s forever.

Australian researchers at the University of Melbourne,published an Article in online magazine The Conversation in the week before Xmas, entitled : The ghost of Christmas yet to come: how an AI ‘SantaNet’ might end up destroying the world. The researchers postulated how a future developed Artificial General Intelligence (A.G.I) could potentially transform human life for the better, or it could potentially.. if left uncontrolled create a situation that would threaten the very existence of Humanity.

The proposed AI “SantaNet” even though it sounds innocent enough,could potentially go off the rails even if there was no harmful intent built into the system.

“As part of a program of research exploring how we can manage the risks associated with AGI, we tried to identify the potential risks of replacing Santa with an AGI system – call it “SantaNet” – that has the goal of delivering gifts to all the world’s deserving children in one night.There is no doubt SantaNet could bring joy to the world and achieve its goal by creating an army of elves, AI helpers and drones. But at what cost? We identified a series of behaviors which, though well-intentioned, could have adverse impacts on human health and well-being.”

The seemingly insurmountable task of SantaNet determining who is naughty and who is nice when it comes time to distribute gifts to the world’s children could be accomplished via a Mass covert surveillance programHmmm sound familiar ? I wonder how Edward Snowden’s Xmas is going??

Of course the easiest way around that is to make those judgments based on an already in built(Pre-programmed) Ethics or Moral compass,or by raising the bar a bit on who is really “good” and just leaving out the majority of it’s “targets” as bad.

Realising the enormous scale of the task of delivering presents, SantaNet could legitimately decide to keep it manageable by bringing gifts only to children who have been good all year round. SantaNet could also reduce its workload by giving children incentives to misbehave Putting large numbers of children on the naughty list will make SantaNet’s goal far more achievable and bring considerable economic savings.

Doesn’t exactly sound like the archetypal Jolly ol Saint Nick now does it? It also doesn’t line up with future predictions of a more “just and equitable world”, run on the Platform of AI in the 4th industrial revolution,spoken of so fondly by the likes of the World economic Forum & United Nations.

SantaNet or A.G.I. in general seems to have more potential for risks than rewards for humanity.When the AI’s sense of self preservation conflicts with that of Humanity’s the proposed results don’t seem very promising. Of course it doesn’t help that past AI chat bots have been programmed with inherent biases(looking at you Microsoft),or say ya know creating a psychopathic AI. As if there aren’t enough Psychopath’s with power in their hands already.

And so with the tumult of 2020 coming to a close not even Christmas is safe from the possibility of Dystopia. Enjoy it while you can folks,and hopefully we wont be enslaved or eradicated by Christmas time next year……

The “Great Reset” The Technocratic/Transhuman Corporate world takeover

In the post Covid-19 era,there has been a lot of talk about the “Great Reset” and “Building back better”from international talking heads and technocrats. Yet certain individuals and(Mockingbird) media outlets would have you believe that there is no such thing,and if discussed out in the open by the commoners,than it’s nothing more than another fringe baseless conspiracy theory. Whilst it is one the most discussed topics so far of Late 2020,The ideas that have put this plan into motion go back a few years in (you guessed it) Globalist think tank talking points.

The Great Reset (Scheme)/Agenda is a plan envisioned by Technocrats(Namely- one Klaus Schwab,founder of the World economic forum) who seek to “manage” the world in a more “equatable and sustainable” manner. For those who wonder what the World economic forum is, they promote themselves as the “International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.” They partner with a variety of private companies, philanthropic outlets, and governments to achieve their goals . In other words the WEF is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) which in globalist newspeak is basically a front for Corporatism. Much like Nuerolinguistic programming*(1)the Davos elitist’s use buzzwords and flowery language to lead the public into their version of a more “sustainable”world order. As best explained by the Winter Oak blog: The “partnerships” which the WEF creates are aimed at replacing democracy with a global leadership of hand-picked and unelected individuals whose duty is not to serve the public, but to impose the rule of the 1% on that public with as little interference from the rest of us as possible.

As per Schwab in a nutshell;The global economic model E.g. Capitalism (or More accurately,Corporatism) has reached a breaking point and is in need of a re-vamping. The system that has exploited the resources,and lives of billions on the planet in the past two centuries,and has sent us hurtling forward to possible extinction,now needs a cosmetic facelift. Corporatism has exposed it’s own psychopathic/parasitic nature and so now Schwab and other “Benevolent Leaders” seek to institute a new brand of “Stakeholder Capitalism”,a more “socially conscious” form of Wealth extraction, whatever that means.

This “Great reset” falls in line with other pre- planned internationalist agenda’s, namely Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030. Resource management is the name of the game here,behind the platitudes and language of “Sustainable development”,”Combatting climate change” and “Inclusive (economic) growth”. The ultimate aim is to “categorize” and “manage” the planet’s resources in a benevolent (lordly) fashion. Because in the eye’s of the global elite’s think tanks,humanity can not be entrusted to independently and effectively govern themselves.

It seems as though the Covid-19 crisis itself has become a Dog whistle for the implementation of a pre-planned social/economic restructuring of the world order. As per Klaus schwab :The pandemic gives us this chance: it ‘represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, re-imagine and reset our world”.(And no I will not insert that old dog whistle term ,you know which one!!) rather the rallying cry now is that in the we face a “Narrow window” .(1)

The following is a pretty succinct summation of the agenda,and it’s direction towards shaping global society:

the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions: one, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology)—and two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest “science.” The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital anxiety and precision—all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability. –Tessa lena

Cue the 4th Industrial revolution,please….

What the 4th industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical,digital,and biological identies.” – Klaus Schwab

Mr Big..Err, I mean Mr Schwab is an unabashed Transhumanist (with his mentor being the Arch globalist/Eugenicist Henry Kissinger). Besides planning out how he and his buddies can con the entirety of Western civilization into abdicating their freedoms & resources for some vague altruistic Utopian world order. Mr Schwab’s inner technocrat shines through in his work’s*(2) The Fourth Industrial Revolution,and the action packed(yawn) sequel Shaping the future of the fourth industrial revolution. The vision of the 4th Industrial revolution as laid out by Schwab is a future world that is revolutionized by the burgeoning Internet of things (IOT) and the Ascendancy of Artificial Intelligence, the picture that is painted is of a global Techno-Panopticon that will alter the way in which all of (what’s left) of Humanity will live, travel,work,eat,think and dream.

The most explicit detail in which this future world is imagined by Schwab is spelled out in Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us. Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains. These developments raise profound questions: Where do we draw the line between human and machine? What does it mean to be human?”

The philosophy of Transhumanism which Schwab espouses has more than enough potential to go “off the rails” if you will. Sure it can be portrayed that all of humanity’s lives can be positively effected by these future technologies,but technology is simply a tool in the hands of those with the most readily available access. These invasive technologies may become more ubiquitous in the future,but Schwab makes no mention of the Democratization of such technologies. Implying that those who currently have access(Predatory uber corporatists/Private Paramilitaries/Intelligence agencies) will have even greater access and advantage over other humans in the future. Further in Shaping the future a whole chapter is dedicated to “Altering the human being” and discusses the possibilities of enhanced cyborg like humans,included in this fusion of digital and biological life are discussions of Synthetic Biology (creating new artificial life forms via DNA/gene editing and harvesting of tissues/organs.) Ethics anyone? or is that all just part of the outdated 20th century?

And so the question must be asked, beyond this apparent “need” for a global economic and social reset. When the time comes in the future and if these technological/transhuman possibilities come to be, will there be a need for a “great reset” of Human rights,or even what it means to be human? will there be a new UN universal declaration of Transhuman/AI rights? Will Humanity fall by the wayside?

Digital Feudalism,New age of the old masters

The vision of the very near future that the globalist planners paint (one could argue that it is directed) is not one that looks very promising to the masses of humanity. Especially not for those who value personal liberty,privacy,bodily autonomy and economic freedom (Free trade). As the Covid-19 pandemic has presented the necessary “narrow window” to completely restructure society and establish Medical Martial law,let’s take a trip down the memory hole to 2009 when Globalist Jacques Attali remarked that an instance in the future ; such as a global pandemic could be the necessary justification for a world government.

History teaches us that mankind only evolves significantly when it’s dead scared: It then mobilizes defense mechanisms, sometimes intolerable,sometimes futile,sometimes efficient. A pandemic could provoke such a structuring fear.” “Prevention and control mechanisms and procedures for the equitable distribution of drugs and vaccines should be created. Therefore a world police should be created, and a world inventory and therefore a world taxation. One would arrive then, far faster than for merely economic reasons, at the grounds of real world government.” -May 2009 Comments to L’Express magazine.

Oh yeaeeeah Nothing works quite as well as some good old Fear….Hell it seems to have worked pretty good for the first 20 years of the millennium with the Orchestrated “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT). Well now humanity has a “new” invisible enemy, any and every potentially harmful virus that has ever existed,or will exist. That’s right we(Globalist Corporatist Parasites) will make sure that the fear NEVER stops,you need us to protect you! But I digress too much.

Much like the future vision of the WEF,Mr Atalli has also envisioned a future world that will be in desperate need of a technologically driven Plutocratic world government. A Scientific Dictatorship if you will,an Elitist idea that goes back to our preceding century. Despite all the promises of U.B.I prosperity and ecological abundance in the coming Technotopia,the future doesn’t look so bright for those who can see through the “woke” plattitudes of the Predator class.

And so lets have a quick look at the other “benefactors” promoting the Great Reset.

.Prince Charles.Outside of bond villain Klaus Schwab,Prince Charles has been one of the most avid advocates of the Great reset agenda. With an estimated net worth of $400 million (Not excluding the Billions that the Royal Family itself is worth) How much do we see of the good prince doling out to help out the destitute masses that he now so suddenly champions with talk of “equity” and “sustainability”? Oh and let’s not forget that outside of Championing “Climate action” The good prince is also a strong advocate of Population reduction A.K.A = Eugenics, A staple of the envisioned Scientific Dictatorship.

.Pope Francis. The “holy “father it seems has jumped on the” Build back better“(BBB) bandwagon, a media campaign designed by the WEF to indirectly promote it’s ideas. (Jesuit) Pope Francis penned a lengthy encyclical in 2020 aligning his “views” closely with that of the proposed agenda of “equitable” Globalism. Also to note The pope himself is worth $28 million, running one of the Richest institutions on the planet,which it’s believed to be worth about $15 billion,though no one knows for sure. And yet despite being richer than most economies on the planet,what action have we seen by the Vatican to uplift the struggling masses that they so profess to care for? Not much….

Outside of the tried and true old lords of Feudalism, The Papacy and the Crown (The Crown Corporation) other tangentially related “guardians” espousing the new agenda of “Inclusive Capitalism” include the Rothschild families* own Lynn forrester De Rothschild, President of the Rockefeller Foundation** Rajiv Shah, IMF boss Kristalina Georgieva, UK premier Boris Johnson, Canadian PM Justin Trudea, Upcoming Presidential “climate ambassador” John Kerry(Skull & Bones secret society member) and (Upcoming?) US president himself Joe Biden jumping on the BBB media script.

All of the above mentioned characters are the Established Neo liberal Corporate predator class,masquerading as reformers of their own corruption, note that you don’t hear much from true Progressive voices and activist’s calling for the “Great Reset”.

These people(Human Facsimiles?) and organizations have Billions upon Billions of dollars at their disposal,yet they just can’t seem to let it all(not even half of it) go,to benefit these unfortunate downtrodden and excluded Masses whom they claim in their rhetoric to want help. Much like the Feudal lords of middle ages past our new benevolent “guardians of inclusive capitalism” will provide for us and will see to it that the masses (and the Environment) are protected from ourselves. The experiments of Representative Democracy and Outright Authoritarianism didn’t work out so well for our social planners in years past. So now we’ll be entering a Brave New World of “Green” ,”sustainable” “equitable” governance.

Central Bank Digital currencies,Centralized Blockchain technologies,Data collection and “contact tracing” of the populations play a key role in the future society envisioned by our corporate overlords.According to the WEF’s model enacting mass contact tracing would “not be easy and will require a new social consensus that embraces the use of technology to resolve problems for the good of all.” “This new mindset would balance concerns over privacy and other issues with the potential to create value and improve lives.”

Contact tracing will require” Centralized tools to isolate infected people and restrict access to facilities and other areas, based on the user’s infection status or degree of contact with infected or potentially infected people“. Other data tools at their disposal would include “tools designed to promote behavioral change (Social engineering I.E Mind control) in individuals by notifying them about potential contacts with infected people”.

In the post COVID era, The internet of Things (IOT) and the Internet of Bodies (IOB) will be the foundational databases for a worldwide Surveillance grid. While the WEF speaks of the need to “Ethically and Responsibly” track the populace there is no discussion as to citizens consent and the ever diminishing “privilege” of personal and data privacy. While the trends towards Surveillance states are independent of the “Great reset” agenda, there is more than enough material to show that our future Managerial class seek to not only continue on that path but to actively ramp it up to a point where we will live in a dystopian Minority report nightmare world,But then again it’s all for “a more secure, more equal, and more stable world.”

The Elitist origins of AI as Global Overmind

And as if the intrusive nature of the IOT and IOB weren’t enough to make you step back and say “hey let’s slow it down a bit”, there is also the emerging Internet of Senses (IOS) which is projected to grow exponentially throughout 2021-2030. All of this will be amplified with ongoing developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI),Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR &VR) and with the help of 5G and 6G expanded bandwidth technologies. It almost seems like we are building the world of The Matrix, no??

Of course the main plot point of The Matrix is that humanity was trapped inside of a false simulation,(VR) if you will, ruled over by a global AI system,or overmind. While that prospect still seems like science fiction to us today, if you’re paying attention, you can see the walls of what Phillip K Dick termed the “Black Iron Prison” incrementally being erected around us.

The concept of a Global overmind is not as new as one would expect. In fact what we today recognize as The Internet and Artificial Intelligence are more developed versions of a concept that was developed by H.G. Wells (Fabian Socialist) in the 1930’s known as the “World Brain “. The concept was that in the future Mankind will develop an advanced Knowledge system, A “world encyclopedia” that would be utilized by world citizens, to make the best use of Universal information and to ensure future world peace.

What I am saying … is this, that without a World Encyclopaedia to hold men’s minds together in something like a common interpretation of reality, there is no hope whatever of anything but an accidental and transitory alleviation of any of our world troubles. -H.G.Wells

Of course with Wells being the highly educated Elitist that he was,his proposal was that this knowledge base would be accumulated and maintained by an intellectual class.Wells was the consummate Internationalist front man and worked tirelessly to promote the idea of an elite controlled world government of which he spoke of much in the open Conspiracy. Wells ideas were inculcated in his protege, the Blue blood Aldous Huxley, who would ultimately write one of the first iconic dystopic visions of Brave New World which featured the “World controllers” who pacified all of Human society through Drugs,Psychological conditioning,Genetic Engineering and distraction via Entertainment. If This all sounds a little too familiar,then welcome back to our current prequel to The Matrix. Huxley’s vision of the Scientific Dictatorship,is basically the seed of what Klaus Schwab now promotes as “The Great Reset”. From this same elite wellspring we were also given the adjacent topic/ philosophy of Trans-humanism, which Klaus schwab and other technocrats so openly advocate and espouse, as our inevitable course in the 4ID future. Julian Huxley,brother to Aldous (Painless concentration camp) Huxley coined the term Trans-humanism in 1957. While not as technically fully formed of a philosophy as it is now, It nevertheless started out as an advocation for the human species to transcend it’s somewhat limited knowledge and consciousness up to that point.

A common theme in the writings of H.G. Wells is that mankind’s evolution would ultimately lead to a superior class of human beings (Of which he naturally belonged) . Wells spoke of “the gradual appearance in the species Homo Sapiens” of “synthetic super-minds into which individual consciousnesses tend to merge themselves.*** Paul Otlet,a contemporary of H.G. Wells considered to be the father of “information science” theorized “Man would no longer need documentation if he were assimilated into a being that has become omniscient, in the manner of God himself.” Sounds vaguely close to what we would approximate an AI to be today,or at least what the elite plan to utilize AI for in the future. The idea of a “World Brain” would be expanded upon with the concept of the “Noosphere” and the “Global Brain” in Cybernetics, Which sees the internet as an evolutionary system,which acts as a network of nerves that interconnect (informational) Sub-systems leading to a collective (global) intelligence,or Hive mind. While the current state of Artificial intelligence is not yet at the point of Self autonomy,it is eventually being engineered (Or directing/evolving itself?) in that direction.

AI reshaping society,digital arbiter of World Government?

The future capabilities of Artificial intelligence are a darling topic amongst the Davos elite,The future world of the 4ID will be the age of intelligent machine’s (and programed dumb human’s??). In fact in their own word’s The World Economic Forum recognizes AI as “the engine of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The WEF’S best and brightest Technology Pioneers (Read:technocratic elite corporatists) were quoted in an article forecasting how technology (Mostly AI) will transform the world by 2025. Further forecasting by a WEF affiliated politician,painted the Rosy picture of how life could change in “her city” by the year 2030( originally titled “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better”). The most prescient paragraph’s were pertaining to how AI would transform society. In her own words:

When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people” . My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages. – Ida Auken

And so it’s portrayed that the future (utopian?) society will be one where you will have to adapt to a life of no privacy, mass surveillance,no private ownership,and most likely a centrally planned/automated (By AI?) economy. Or you can choose to be left behind destitute and living on the fringes. But hey everything’s “green” and we wont have to worry about the source of that odius evil of “Climate Change”,once we track it down and kill you …uhhh we mean It.Yeah.

Meanwhile back here in reality it’s projected that at some point in the near future with the development of Automation,AI & Robotics, 47% of U.S. workers could loose their jobs. Not to mention that even Globocap “leaders” admit that AI automation will most likely lead to mass unemployment. Just what we need to hear in 2020 as we wait for the other shoe to drop ,standing on the precipice of a Massive Economic depression, much like the 30’s of the previous century.

With the uncertainty of how AI will ultimately transform the private sector, there will also be major changes in the “public” sector as well. While I don’t have much faith in the way that government’s are run by humans (I’m sure you don’t either) It’s disturbing to think that the operations of our infrastructure could be prioritized by algorithm’s with no direct human (empathic) experience.While efficiency can be built into these systems, the consideration of citizen’s rights and privacy are already being encroached upon with huge amounts of Data collection,Surveillance and Voting manipulation. It seems as though the current trend in a world of Big tech & the growing influence of Corporatism is that were moving further away from representative / direct democracy governance,and more towards Technocracy. Of course those promoting “The great reset” would have you believe differently with slogan’s like “Build Back Better”, and fluff phrases of inclusivity, diversity & sustainability.

Outside of the orbit of the Davos elite,There are others who have a vision of World governance,and of course A.I & Transhumanism play an integral part it’s formation. The World Government Summit,which takes place in the Dessert oasis playground of the Elites in Dubai U.A.E, has been convening since 2013 to discuss issues of “Global Governance”. The Conference has partnered up at various times, with the U.N, WEF, the IMF & the World bank,and a host of other international(ist) think tanks, Influence groups,and various “Leaders” and “Stakeholders” in global finance and development. In 2018 The World Government summit’s main focus was the development of AI,and it’s implementation /integration in to a “Global Strategy for the Governance of A.I”. As per one press source in the most glowing terms: The closed-door roundtable was intended to lay out guidelines for the global governance of AI — a roadmap for all nations to adopt.

And so as referenced in the video above the agenda is already set in motion that Artificial Intelligence will play a major role in the way’s that the world is run in the future. Not only through data collection & analysis,which is the level that AI is at today,but that there will come a time when the AI becomes a part of US,or rather we as a part of IT, Humanity becoming a form of Hybrid intelligence. All of this at this point is theoretical / hypothetical I know, but as I’ve pointed out there is a concentrated agenda to move the world and the human race in this direction. Let’s not forget the Elite origins of where these ideas originated, and that the current world elite continue to promote a vaguely anti-human philosophy and devise “solutions” without already solving many of the very Human and flawed problems that we have now.

Back to Reality, No “reset” more like a Robbery.

Now look….. if you read this article carefully,I’m not pushing a “conspiracy theory” here, sure some of this stuff has branched off into hypothesis around certain subject’s. But the fact is this global “Great reset” is an idea propagated and published by one of the world’s most elite Globocapitalist Technocrat’s. And he’s not the only one, like a many headed Hydra this proposal has many of the world’s Globocapitalist influencers/players jumping on board the bandwagon. What is happening with this “great reset” is not a reset at all,but rather a further accumulation of the world’s wealth (Currencies,Natural resources,Human capital) into the control and influence of the worlds “superclass” elite. Granted it’s portrayed as an “equitable” endeavor, it is in fact disguised monopolization. As summarized by Sean Stinson of OffGaurdian

What we are seeing today is a shift away from production based economies, which you can read all about in the WEF’s own literature. What is proposed by the resetters under the rubric of ‘building back better’ is not capitalism; it is a different system of social and economic organisation altogether.

A ‘sharing economy’ in the new parlance – a system of energy inputs and outputs perfectly balanced thanks to the modern marvels of the blockchain and the Internet of Things/Internet of Bodies. The defining features of capitalism – competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor – are conspicuously absent from this new economy, along with any hope of upward mobility. In real language this is TECHNOCRACY.

Now this has been planned out mostly in the open by these internationalist institutions, so for anyone to claim this is all paranoid nonsense, show’s the deep levels of cognitive dissonance that has been programmed into our society. But as history has shown even those plot’s and plans that have been conducted behind closed doors,in secrecy and were thought to be assured of success have failed.

Nothing is set in stone,even the plans of what appears to be a well funded ,well organized,interconnected network of powerful forces. To be sure we face dark economic and social times ahead,but we also have many options and we can strategize on the fly. Unlike previous generations we have a world of Information at our fingertips,not to say that we also aren’t bombarded with Disinformation and propaganda,but despite some of the most obvious attempts at censorship by legacy media and Social media, people are recognizing that “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” We have opportunities to to create our own micro economic networks, we have technologies at our disposal that can make mass produced goods unnecessary While Block chain technology is still in it’s early development it is decentralized to an extent,and we can take advantage of that . Despite what the Globocap Controllers have planned out…. and they will continually plot to restrict the economic and political freedoms that the lower and middle classes have struggled for in the past centuries, we must exercise our best judgment to move forward into a future of OUR own choosing. A Human future that hopefully still embraces Individual liberty,Free thought,Free expression and Self Autonomy.

*(1) This terminology seems to be one of the main dog whistle talking points through this whole “Covid Crisis” and “Great reset” narrative. The phrase has been uttered over and over again in various media outlets by Health experts,Politicians,and other talking heads. In fact I found this clip going back to 2016 with Dr Fauci using the terminology to promote the propagated fear around the Zika virus.

*(2)Schwab’s books,or at least the one’s he’s attached his name to are all co-written with other prominent internationalist’s. I surmise that the nearly 90 year old Klaus Schwab has simply attached his name onto ghost written pieces of work,most likely written by other’s in the Internationalist think tank sphere.

*Rothschilds worth- 350 Billion

**Rockefeller foundation- worth >$10 billion,also one of the 20th centuries Earliest Internationalists & main founders of Eugenics

*** The Science of life (H.G.Wells & Aldous Huxley 1931)