Mind Control: Orwell, Huxley and Today’s Reality


George Orwell’s book 1984 paints a picture of a dark, gray world. People are afraid to say anything contrary to the official party line, and surveillance is universal.Even thinking contrary to the party is a crime, and thoughtcrimes may be treated by radical psychological intervention. Information is closely controlled by the party media, and the historical record is routinely edited, so as to conform to the latest party statements.

By contrast, in Brave New World, Aldous Huxley paints a colorful, superficially pleasant world. Personal freedom of all kinds is encouraged, even to the point of being a cultural imperative. In the book a young boy is referred to a therapist, because he doesn’t want to play sex games with a girl classmate.An adult character is considered aberrant, because he is drawn toward a monogamous relationship. Drugs and distractions are readily available for mood enhancement.Central to Huxley’s world is the abolition of the family. Sex never results in pregnancy, and embryos are grown in a production process, based on selected seed material.

From embryo to adulthood, the state has fine-tuned control over the development of the person, and of their thinking. In the resulting society, people behave as they were programmed to behave, and can’t imagine things being any different.

In Orwell’s world, wrong-thought (thoughtcrime) is detected and suppressed. In Huxley’s world, wrong-thought is unlikely to arise. Orwell’s world suppresses the individual; Huxley’s world manufactures the individual.In both cases, mind control – control over what people are able to think – is the strategy of the regime, as its means of social control generally. Orwell explores a brute-force approach to mind control, while Huxley explores a scientific approach.

Echoes of Orwell

Consider the world of mainstream journalists, in particular TV news anchors. There we have a world with echoes of 1984, where what is said must conform to the party line.Any thoughtcrime – such as an anchor commenting onscreen that he doesn’t buy the official story of 9/11, or he thinks Russia isn’t an aggressor – would be quickly punished by the equivalent of death – expulsion from the world of journalism.

Even though our society doesn’t fully resemble Orwell’s dystopia, his mind control methods are operating in very critical places, where the population’s ‘information’ is generated.And of course we do have universal surveillance, courtesy of the NSA, omnipresent CCTV cameras, and cell-phone tracking. Big Brother is with us, but he stays behind the scenes, he sees all, and he decides what stories we will be told about the world by the mainstream media.

Echoes of Huxley

Huxley wrote a review of 1984, where he talked about the two different future visions. He suggested that we might go through some kind of dark period, reminiscent of 1984, but he thinks such a regime would be unstable and transitional.He goes on to say that the scientific approach to mind control, based on programming people’s belief systems, would be the more sensible choice for a modern totalitarian society.

US Government research into scientific mind control began at least in the 1960’s, and has been ongoing. The first approach , the CIA’s Operation MKULTRA was heavy handed, reminiscent of 1984. This research involved giving people psychotropic drugs, along with post-hypnotic suggestions. Interestingly Huxley became a cult figure during the 60’s advocating sexual liberation and Halluciongenic drug use for the masses.

The society described in Brave New World is in fact a cult-based society. Each of the classes (alpha, beta, etc.) is a cult, and the programming begins at birth.No charismatic leader is needed, when so much control over programming is available. Each cult has its own core belief system, along with packaged arguments to maintain those beliefs.(Big Brother becomes irrelevant, because the population will police themselves)

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FOIA Requests Expose Corporate Media Working Directly with the CIA


Ken Dilanian, an AP ‘journalist’ and former LA Times writer, was exposed recently for coordinating with none other than the Central Intelligence Agency. He submitted his articles in progress and pieces of information he was to use in articles to ‘CIA Press Handlers’ via email, and documents obtained by ‘The Intercept‘ illustrate the entire process of oversight and heavy influence exerted by the CIA over the LA Times, as well as several other corporate media outlets.

Dilanian promised in emails that he would paint the agency in a positive light. He used his writing abilities for darkness, doing such things as making it seem as if drone strikes were morally justified, painting his stories as if innocent people were not savagely shredded to pieces in drone strikes.This is just one glimpse into a large connection to be further uncovered with irrefutable pieces of evidence such as these leaked emails.

All of these revealing emails are the result of FOIA requests by people fighting the good fight; hundreds of pages were released revealing connections between the CIA and The Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and more.

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Flashback- Operation MockingBird


Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns.

Details of Operation Mockingbird were revealed as a result of the Senator Frank Church investigations (Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) in 1975. According to the Congress report published in 1976:
“The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”

Despite the exposure of these activities, we have to ask today of our corporate owned mainstream media, how much of what’s being “reported” is disinformation and propaganda? with these facts in mind can we trust anything they say..?

Major Study Finds The US Is An Oligarchy


A study, to appear in the Fall 2014 issue of the academic journal Perspectives on Politics, finds that the U.S. is no democracy, but instead an oligarchy. the answer to the study’s opening question, “Who governs? Who really rules?” in this country, is:

“Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts. Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association, and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But, …” and then they go on to say, it’s not true, and that, “America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened” by the findings in this, the first-ever comprehensive scientific study of the subject, which shows that there is instead “the nearly total failure of ‘median voter’ and other Majoritarian Electoral Democracy theories [of America]. When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

To put it short: The United States is no democracy, but actually an oligarchy.The authors of this historically important study are Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, and their article is titled “Testing Theories of American Politics.” The authors clarify that the data available are probably under-representing the actual extent of control of the U.S. by the super-rich.

What the authors are able to find, despite the deficiencies of the data, is important: the first-ever scientific analysis of whether the U.S. is a democracy, or is instead an oligarchy, or some combination of the two. The clear finding is that the U.S. is an oligarchy, no democratic country, at all. American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it’s pumped by the oligarchs who run the country

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New Bill Being Introduced Would Give President ‘Dictatorial Powers’ to Wage War


Following the clear failure of the ‘War on Terror’, launched by George W. Bush following 9/11, the US will re-up it’s efforts, which have only seemed to cause an increase in terror operations around the worldThe war on terror has done nothing but increase the threat from terrorism. Whether from foreign policy blowback or forcing the decentralization of terror groups, the fact is that ISIS and many other groups are more emboldened and powerful than ever, despite trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives lost to combating them.

Members of Congress, including many within the President’s own party, are looking for more blood to be spilled in the Middle East. Congress is just about ready to cede it’s power to declare war. While this isn’t something new, considering the last time America actually declared war was in WWII, it will give dictatorial powers to the Executive Branch to throw the country into any war as long as it’s against some form of terrorism

According to legislation announced by Congressman Frank Wolf, it will authorize,

“to use all necessary and appropriate force against those countries, organizations, or persons associated with or supporting terrorist groups, including al Qaeda and its regional affiliates, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, al Shabaab, Boko Haram, and any other emerging regional terrorist groups that share a common violent extremist ideology with such terrorist groups, regional affiliates, or emerging terrorist groups, in order to eliminate all such terrorist groups and prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States or its allies by such terrorist groups, countries, organizations, or persons.”

This is a dangerous, open ended, ceding of control away from the people, and into the hands of the President and his unelected foreign policy “experts”.This will effectively take Congress out of the equation of waging war as long as the Executive Branch says it’s against terrorism.

This legislation, which is similar to a bill proposed by John McCain earlier this year, will essentially remove all war powers from representatives and turn the President into a de facto emperor on foreign policy.

Obama already violated the War Powers Act when he unilaterally toppled the Libyan government headed by Gaddafi, and we all see how well that worked out. In the short term, this renewed push in the corporate media and the government for more war on terror should be resisted by every American.Any US intervention, as seen in every single anti-terror operation we’ve been involved in the passed two decades, will only result in more instability and more of a threat of terrorism. Not to mention more Americans dead and billions more in debt.

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The Pentagon Is Giving Grenade Launchers to Police


Do you think police departments need grenade launchers? Since 2006 through the Pentagon’s 1033 program, police have obtained 205 grenade launchers, 79,288 assault rifles, 422 helicopters, 50 airplanes, 600 tanks, and more than $3.6 million worth of used military gear.

Whats most interesting is that the military gear these police departments are acquiring, such as the grenade launchers and armored vehicles, must be used within one year or else the equipment will be transferred elsewhere.

Giving Grenade Launchers to Campus Police: The Pentagon’s 1033 program, which allows the Defense Department to unload its excess military equipment onto local police forces, has quietly overflowed onto college campuses. According to documents obtained by the website Muckrock, more than 100 campus police forces have received military materials from the Pentagon. Schools that participate in the program range from liberal arts to community colleges to the entire University of Texas system. Emory, Rice, Purdue, and the University of California, Berkeley, are all on the list.

Colleges can also apply for Homeland Security grants, the same ones made available to every municipal police department in the country after 9/11. In 2012, UC Berkeley tried to use the program to purchase an eight-ton armored truck

Reports have shown that over $4 billion worth of military equipment has been transferred from the pentagon to local police departments in recent years, with the 1033 program being just one of many government efforts to supply police with heavy ammunition.

The 1033 program was one of the many aspects of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which has been said to establish conditions comparable to martial law.


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The U.S. Government Can Brand You a Terrorist Based on a Facebook Post


The US government’s web of surveillance is vast and interconnected. Now we know just how opaque, inefficient and discriminatory it can be.

You can be pulled into the National Security Agency’s database quietly and quickly, and the consequences can be long and enduring. Through ICREACH, a Google-style search engine created for the intelligence community, the NSA provides data on private communications to 23 government agencies. More than 1,000 analysts had access to that information.

It was confirmed earlier this month that the FBI shares its master watchlist, the Terrorist Screening Database, with at least 22 foreign governments, countless federal agencies, state and local law enforcement, plus private contractors.The watchlist tracks “known” and “suspected” terrorists and includes both foreigners and Americans. It’s also based on loose standards and secret evidence, which ensnares innocent people. Indeed, the standards are so low that the US government’s guidelines specifically allow for a single, uncorroborated source of information – including a Facebook or Twitter post – to serve as the basis for placing you on its master watchlist.

Because the watchlist isn’t limited to known, actual terrorists, an official can watchlist a person if he has reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is a suspected terrorist. It’s a circular logic – individuals can be watchlisted if they are suspected of being suspected terrorists – that is ultimately backwards, and must be changed. The government’s self-mandated surveillance guidance also includes loopholes that permit watchlisting without even showing reasonable suspicion. For example, non-citizens can be watchlisted for being associated with a watchlisted person – even if their relationship with that person is entirely innocuous.

Below are people already charged with “Terrorism” due to Facebook posts:

Cameron D’Ambrosio, an 18-year-old high school student in Methuen, Mass.,arrested for terrorism charges because he scared people on Facebook with his rap music.

Brandon J. Raub, a 26-year-old pro-liberty activist, former U.S. Marine, and Virginia resident, was arrested after authorities deemed his Facebook posts threatening

31-year-old James Evans of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky was arrested on terroristic threatening charges after he posted lyrics from a song by the heavy metal band Exodus on Facebook.

Indeed, you can’t help but wonder: are you already on the watchlist?

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MasterCard Rolls Out Orwellian National ID Card


Imagine an ID card that remembers all of your personal records. This one card serves as your driver’s license and a catch-all that includes information about your health insurance, tax payments, and bank accounts. Oh, and it’s a MasterCard. Now imagine you’re required to have it to vote. By 2019, that will be the case in Nigeria, where the government is running a large-scale pilot program with MasterCard, the U.S. credit card giant. An initial 13 million Nigerians will participate in the pilot program, but all those above the age of 16 — a whopping 160 million people — are expected to carry the cards by 2019.

Nigeria is not the first country to launch a biometric ID card tied to a banking system, this is the first time a major banking institution has so specifically endorsed the use of an ID card. Eventually, the ID system could be used to disburse social benefits, make deposits and withdrawals, and set up savings accounts through local banks partnering with MasterCard for the initiative.But the card has also raised concerns among many Nigerians who worry that the card could compromise their privacy — by making it accessible either to the government or to a hacker. With a massive trove of information stored on each citizen, the card could pose as an attractive target for cyber-criminals looking for personal information.

Gus Hosein, the executive director of U.K.-based civil liberties NGO Privacy International, said these concerns are especially frightening as so far no plan has been presented to protect citizens from having their private data shared with MasterCard.There is good reason why no democratic society permits the creation of such a system, at least not without incredible safeguards,” Hosein said. “Something as precious as your right to participate in elections should never be placed at risk of faulty systems, deployed by people who may be well meaning, but do not understand the risks.”

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The Era Of Widespread Biometric Indentification And Microchip Implants Is Here


Are you ready to have your veins scanned every time you use your bank account? Are you ready to use a “digital tattoo” or a microchip implant to unlock your telephone? Once upon a time we read about such technologies in science fiction novels, but now they are here. The era of widespread biometric identification and microchip implants is upon us, and it is going to change the way that we live.

Proponents of these new technologies say that they will make our private information and our bank accounts much more secure. But there are others that warn that these kinds of “Big Brother technologies” will set the stage for even more government intrusion into our lives. In the wrong hands, such technologies could prove to be an absolute nightmare.

Barclays has just announced that it is going to become the first major bank in the western world to use vein scanning technology to control access to bank accounts. There will even be a biometric reader that customers plug into their computers at home.

It is only a matter of time before more banks, online retailers and major websites start using this kind of technology. We live at a time when theft on the Internet threatens to spiral out of control, and big corporations are going to be continually looking for answers. Motorola has developed a digital tattoo that will be used to ensure that only the owner of a phone is able to unlock it.

As it is starting to become more mainstream, and there are already some thinkers that are quite eager to use such technology for very authoritarian purposes.For example, one prominent philosopher recently suggested that we should use implantable microchips to prevent anyone that is “deemed unworthy” from becoming a parent.You might be tempted to think that this is crazy talk.But the truth is that this kind of technology is already being developed.In fact Bill Gates is funding the development of a birth control microchip that “acts as a contraceptive for 16 years.

The reality of the matter is that technology is changing at an exponential rate, and our world is going to get crazier and crazier as time goes by.Are you ready for what comes next?

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Killer Robots Must Be Outlawed


Wow,Somebody at the U.N is actually trying to do something beneficial for humanity..Amazing

Killer robots programmed to open fire without human control are just a “small step” from the battlefield and military powers should agree to outlaw them, a top United Nations official has said.Angela Kane, the UN’s high representative for disarmament, said governments should be more open about programmes to develop the technology and she favoured a pre-emptive ban before it was too late.

“Any weapon of war is terrible, and if you can launch this without human intervention, I think it’s even worse. It compounds the problem and dehumanises it in a way.“It becomes a faceless war and I think that’s really terrible and so to my mind I think it should be outlawed. The decision is really in the hands of the states who have the capability to develop them.”

Ms Kane said there was “a great deal of concern” about the prospect of killer robots being developed that would commit war crimes on the battlefield. Militaries are making increasing use of robots, from bomb disposal machines to armed remotely piloted drones carrying out missile strikes. Israel has experimented with border control robots and America has trialed them in Iraq and Afghanistan. But an expert on military robots said all current machines’ weapons are controlled and directed by humans, who make the final decision whether to fire.

And when the (Military) Robots become autonomous/self aware, we might have a little problem..

Robots Could Learn How to Herd Humans Like Sheep: Information from a new study into the lives of sheepdogs could be used to model robots after their techniques. This takes on a sinister possibility when we understand that researchers are opening up the Internet to robots for autonomous learning. Robo Brain is being funded by the military-surveillance-industrial complex. The press release below specifically mentions crowd control as a prime application. What could possibly go wrong?

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US scientists working on mind-controlled drones for military use


University researchers in Texas say they are designing a new type of drone – one that could be controlled simply and only with a soldier’s mind.If successful, the project would allow soldiers to command future drones in ways beyond simple navigational commands. While troops would be able to order a drone to “move left” and “move right,” it would potentially enable them to command the vehicles to travel over specific geographic installations and send critical data back to their operators.

While the goal of controlling vehicles by way of the mind is still ways off, the hope is that by studying brain signals and magnetic waves, the researchers will be able link the activity to specific commands that can eventually be received by an advanced drone.

These commands would be relayed by sophisticated electroencephalogram systems (EEG) that can process brain signals.
Once developed, mind-controlled drones would significantly reduce the amount of supplies that troops have to carry into combat zones, the chairman of the university’s electrical and computer engineering department, Daniel Pack, believes.

While the project is primarily funded by the Department of Defense and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the researchers also think the technology will have important uses for those with disabilities.( way to put a cushy “humanitarian twist in there)

Via Red Ice creations

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