Mind Transfer To A Computer Could Be Possible By 2050. TransHuman Immortality On The Way


*Transhumanism is said to be the cutting edge of science, a science that promises eternal human”life” transferred to non biological bodies. Much like Alchemy,Transhumanism seeks to convert one state of matter to another, and being that it is mostly influenced by dogmatic science it see’s the human mind in purely mechanistic terms.

Most of Modern science agrees that The brain is simply a computer,or a tool that can be replicated and tweaked and “uploaded”. Without considering that Consciousness itself may be more than just electrical impulses and trillions of bits and bytes of data. The ultimate goal being to transcend the fragile mortal biological body. It’s an ambitious goal, but one that should take into consideration the nature of consciousness, not simply the cutting and pasting of it into another temporary “container”.

Immortality is Something that the human race has dreamt of since we understood the concept of death. But Rather than dreaming and attempting to keep our physical bodies alive forever, maybe we need to look somewhere else. What’s something that you use every day. What’s something that has incredible power similar to that of our minds. What are you looking at right now? A thought provoking article surely, but what’s displaying it? A computer; running a program. What else is our mind but a type of computer running a program?

I think the brain is like a program in the mind, which is like a computer, so it’s theoretically possible to copy the brain onto a computer and so provide a form of life after deathStephen Hawking

Many scientists and thinkers are suggesting that the answer to eternal life has literally been right in front of us for a while now. The head of British Telecom’s futurology unit stated that rapid advances in computing power would make cyber-immortality a reality within 50 years.
More recently (in 2013) one of todays great minds and Google’s director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, suggested that the ability to transfer the entire human mind to a computer will be achievable within four decades.

Based on conservative estimates of the amount of computation you need to functionally simulate a human brain, we’ll be able to expand the scope of our intelligence a billion-fold. Ray Kurzweil

We’ve even begun to replicate the functions of a brain. In a study done by The Blue Brain project, Henry Markram and a team successfully simulated the neocortical column of a rat. A complex layer of brain tissue common to all mammals. Although we are still a ways off from replicating the human brain, it is extremely foreseeable that it will exist within many of our lifetimes. Whether it will be affordable to the masses that soon is another question. It could take time for it to become a common and affordable means to an end.

*Well…Not so Fast there, take into account that one of the leading “sources” of making such technology happen is the Pentagon’s DARPA. They most likely aren’t developing this for use by the masses, in fact quite the opposite, it would most likely be used as a tool to bait or control the masses

DARPA Cortical Modem connects the brain directly to a computer


A brain-computer interface has been developed by the US Defence Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that is capable of laying a heads-up display over a user’s natural vision.
The “cortical modem” also holds the potential to cure sight loss and enable “electronic telepathy and telekinesis” according to noted futurist Peter Rothman, writing for H+ Magazine.

The interface provides a direct link between the brain and an external device or software through manipulation of the visual cortex.Phillip Alvelda, chief of DARPA’s Biological Technologies, told the conference how the device could replace all virtual reality glasses, such as the Oculus Rift, by bypassing the visual sensory system entirely.

DARPA has led the way in a number of futurist and transhumanist projects, including a tiny implant that assists the body’s organs in healing themselves when injured. Their mission statement has evolved over time. Today, DARPA’s mission is still “to prevent technological surprise to the US, but also to create technological surprise for our enemies.”

And Who would those Enemies be? Well read this for some insight. It doesn’t involve bearded guys hiding in caves, it involves what will be left of the masses of humanity.

Original Articles: Here and Here

ThoughtCrime: Future Possibility, Or Current Reality?

Authored/Edited- RS Hart


George Orwell introduced the concept of the “Thought Police” in his dystopian novel 1984. Seeking out those citizens who would dare to commit “Thought Crime” using psychological methods and omnipresent surveillance, to search, find, monitor, and arrest members of society who could potentially challenge authority and the status quo, even if only by thought.

Although 1984 was written as a warning against the abuses of absolute power and complete totalitarianism, In our current reality if you were to pay attention to the current headlines you would think that it is being used almost as an instruction manual for a Technological Slavery State.

With Warantless Surveillance being admitted to by the N.S.A. and F.B.I.. Americans are told that “they have no reasonable expectation of privacy”. A former head of the C.I.A had even come forward to discuss the technologies in development for spying on the everyday activities of American citizens,through their own home appliances.

Sounds crazy right?? Wrong, it’s our documented reality that a growing orwellian nightmare is fast encroaching upon us and our activities. So how much longer till it get’s to the point where the Government will even want to read your mind and police your thoughts? Not Long at all.

Mind Reading Technology On The Way


“Scientists at the University of California were able to pick up several words that subjects thought using a new mind-reading device. Reseachers at Berkeley, have developed a machine and computer program which converts brain activity into sounds and words.
Speech activates specific neurons as the brain works interpret the sounds as words. Each word activates a slightly different set of neurons.
Now scientists have started to develop an algorithm that can pick up the activity and translate it back into words”.

Sure.. it sounds like a completely benevolent scientific and medical breakthrough,but consider the other side of the coin here. Any technology is only a tool,and that can be used for the betterment of humanity or it’s enslavement.

MALINTENT: Homeland Security Gets Inside Your Head

In Fact the Department of Homeland Security(Still sounds like a Nazi organization to me) is already two steps ahead of you. Because you cant be “free” if you aren’t “safe” from the threats that they created in the first place.


Homeland Security is now testing the next generation of security screening — a body scanner that can read your mind,” This is no polygraph, Subjects do not get hooked up or strapped down for a careful reading. The machine is “like an X-ray for bad intentions,” with its “series of sensors and imagers that read your body temperature, heart rate and respiration for unconscious tells invisible to the naked eye — signals terrorists and criminals may display in advance of an attack.”

MALINTENT’ has been described as the “brainchild of the cutting-edge Human Factors Division in Homeland Security’s directorate for Science and Technology.” It apparently uses facial scanners and body scanners, referred to as Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). By reading the expression on one’s face and comparing that expression to other faces on a database, computers can presumably read one’s mood and mental intentions.

Remember..good citizen,this all to keep you safe in the event of another 9-11 type terrorist attack which the Government will do nothing to stop it..again
It has absolutely nothing to do with controlling the movements and now the Minds of the populace. Trust Us!!
Arresting a person for a crime not yet committed, on the basis of perceived intent, amounts to arresting people for thought crimes.

Enter The Electronic Concentration Camp


According to Harlan Girard Managing Director of the International Committee Opposing Microwave Weapons(ICOMW) The United States Government has already established what he calls an Electronic Concentration Camp System (ECCS).
Essentially, the ECCS is a network of microwave towers and broadcast centers that can virtually imprison any citizen of the United States that the Thought Police wish to target. It’s a people zapping system, used to track, torture and psychologically harass inconvenient people who, for one reason or another, have been placed on the government’s long list of enemies.

To support this claim, Girard has amassed an impressive collection of documents which clearly indicate that the U.S. government has no need of the small surveillance units. The number of peace protestors and politically “inconvenient” people who have suddenly begun to hear voices in their heads strongly suggests that the U.S. government has built and fielded something much bigger, much more powerful, and much more scary: a fully developed and fully operational Electronic Concentration Camp System.

And if you think this man is a lone “conspiracy nut” you are wrong. Hundreds of U.S. citizens have come forward with claims of being targeted individuals with Electronic and Microwave weapon harassment. In fact it has even been successfully argued in a court of law that this activity is ongoing.

Mass Targeting of the Population??


A former DARPA scientist who held a top security clearance has warned that transmissions from cell phone towers constitute a “terrorist act” against the civilian population. Dr. Paul Batcho holds a PhD from Princeton University, and spent nearly three years working for DARPA at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the field of computational physics.

Batcho has sent numerous letters to federal security agencies, including DARPA and the Department of Homeland Security, claiming that he has identified a “terrorist” threat from cellular towers “in central Florida, and Tampa St Petersburg.”

“I seem to have stumbled across an advanced technology that I would classify as synthetic telepathy,” he wrote in one such missive. “It clearly uses the cellular towers to transmit illegal signals. It sounds unbelievable but it is actual technology being used on civilians of the US. “My basic research does indicate that such technology can exist and dates back to the V2K (P300) mind wave technology of the 1970s. This does appear to be a much more advanced version that allows open communication of human mind to mind bridges.”

So that begs the question..Who Is doing the Targeting? To the general public this would sound like tinfoil hat tripe. But it has been documented that these technologies are patented and being put to use by elements affiliated with the U.S. Government.

It may seem like a far off Sci-Fi fantasy but if you do the research,it’s clear to see that George Orwell’s greatest “Big Brother” nightmare,is gradually becoming a part of our own reality.