France Moves to Make “Conspiracy Theories” Illegal by Government Decree


Political elites and super-bureaucrats are worried. It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.
A history stitched together by lies and cover-ups, political assassinations, slight-of-hand false flag deceptions, secret societies, dual loyalties and stolen fortunes – this have been the privilege of ruling elites for centuries.

Putting aside history’s ‘big ticket’ items though, the real reason for this authoritarian trend is much more fundamental. By knocking out their intellectual competition, political elites and their media moguls hope to minimalize, and thus eliminate any alternative analysis and opinion by applying the completely open-ended and arbitrary label of “extremist” to speech. They want to wind back the clock, where a pre-internet, monolithic corporate media cartel held a monopoly on ideas.

Although France has taken the lead in this inter-governmental effort (see below), the preliminary assault began this past fall with British Prime Minster David Cameron publicly announcing on two separate occasions, that all of these so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ should be deemed as “extremist” and equivalent to “terrorist” and should be purged from society on the grounds of ‘national security’.

As yet, few are aware of how in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings, French Prime Minster, Francois Hollande delivered an official declaration, However Hollande takes it beyond the usual hyperbole and focuses on giving the state an administrative and legal foothold for policing both speech and thought crimes in France. If this is can be accomplished in France, then a European roll-out would soon follow.Ironically, in order to achieve this fascist leap forward, Hollande has equated “conspiracy theories” to Nazism, and is calling for government regulations to prevent any sharing or publishing of any views deemed as ‘dangerous thought’ by the state.

Fear of losing control over manipulative narratives has always been a primary obsession with those in power, and clearly, based on what we’ve seen – governments are making an aggressive move on free speech now.As if that wasn’t enough already, now France wants to take it to a whole new authoritarian level. It may sound ridiculous, but this is exactly what is taking place in government as we speak.

Original Article Here

Via Red Ice Creations

5 Signs the Government’s Biggest War is on Your Mind


When most people think of destructive government wars, images of drone strike wreckage and murdered civilians come to mind. But while organized, physical violence is a repulsive form of oppression, the state employs a variety of tactics to wage war on its own citizens. They are more subtle than batons and guns but far more effective than violence alone. They seek to conquer not bodies, but minds.

Over-Medication and the Drug War

Whether out of rabid greed or calculated malice, the federal government continually approves corporate medications that cloud free thought. Painkillers and anti-depressants leave users zombie-like, causing further depression and often, addiction. Children are routinely over-diagnosed and medicated and are often forced to take anti-psychotics that they testify makes them groggy. Pesticides and chemicals like aspartame also inhibit brain function. The problem of “legal” brain cell killers is compounded by the fundamental philosophy of the Drug War.

The War on Children’s Minds

In addition to over-medicating children, the education system forces a strict regimen intended to foster obedience at the expense of consciousness.Students around the country have been disciplined for everything from wearing yoga pants to sharing food with hungry friends. The reasoning behind it is not to help others, but to instill the power of authority (always in the name of morality and safety).

Universal Surveillance

The government has long been eager to capitalize on technology to garner control. Take the FBI’s powerful new facial recognition system or the DEA’s nifty tools that spy on drivers in their cars. The president recently issued an executive order to continue government spying.
The government’s overzealous, watchful eye has created an environment where people are not free to be themselves or freely engage in their interests.

The Radicalization of Peace and Protest

The government has made a habit of designating otherwise peaceful actions as terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security has taken a particularly active role in this process. DHS gave money to the NYPD with the intention of policing protests with machine guns and implementing “counter-terrorism” policies. In fact protests have effectively been criminalized by executive order, to include any area that can arbitrarily considered federal property.
DHS has helped militarize the police forces that surround peaceful demonstrations around the country. When innocent-and often admirable actions and views-are considered a threat to the state, it is clear that that state is out to suppress dissent and independent thought.

The Rise of Islamophobia

Without public support for war, the meddling hands of government are tied. One of the ways to placate opposition to military intervention, however, is to dehumanize those the government will inevitably kill. Doing that requires collectivization, which the United States government has successfully promoted. Thanks to constant fear-mongering by politicians and the media, massive portions of Americans are terrified of and hateful toward Muslims.The dehumanization of an entire demographic of people is a terrifying tool used by the elites to manipulate public opinion (it was used by the United States government against Germans and the Japanese, and of course, by other states craving war).

Original Article Here

Easing into Biometrics: Windows 10 to Add Facial Recognition, Iris Scans and Fingerprint Reader


After several years of consumer complaints, Microsoft Windows 10 has been getting a lot of attention as of late for many upgrades slated for their new version of the popular operating system.However, it appears that one feature being added to supposedly consumer-friendly applications is a suite of biometrics called Windows Hello and Windows Passport.

It’s all a part of the move toward a full-fledged Smart World where YOU become the password in a matrix of online and real-world activity.

Naturally, the fear of identity theft and cyber crime of all stripes has been the sales pitch to accept this new pervasive identity tech. Apple’s Touch ID was introduced in iPhone 5 which employed a fingerprint scanner for phone locking as well as to make purchases in Apple stores.

Hacking risks already have been exposed in smart vehicles, smart cars, and even smart weapons(!!), so this seems to be par for the course. Beyond the hacking risks, though, there is our lovely government, which continues to prove that it will do anything and everything to track our every move.

Online biometrics is a totalitarian dream of removing all anonymity during even the most casual computer interaction. We’ve already seen electronics warnings about keeping personal conversations quiet around smart TVs. What can we expect to happen when all of the items around us are connected to the Internet, and our bodies have become the sole password that connects us to the central database? It raises the spectre of simple monitoring of all health, consumer activity, environmental compliance, and pretty much every movement anywhere.

Via Red Ice Creations

Scientists Find More Than 100 NON-HUMAN genes in human genome


Humans contain ‘alien’ genes not passed on from our ancestors, researchers have discovered.The say we acquired essential ‘foreign’ genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.

According to the study, humans—and a wide variety of other animals—possess tens, if not hundreds of “foreign” genes that have been passed on from single-celled organisms, such as bacteria. What’s more, these genes play active roles in the body, such as contributing to metabolism, and this process of gene acquisition could still be occurring, at least in some lineages.

This is the first study to show how widely horizontal gene transfer (HGT) occurs in animals, including humans, giving rise to tens or hundreds of active ‘foreign’ genes,‘ said lead author Alastair Crisp from the University of Cambridge.However, the idea that HGT occurs in more complex animals, such as humans, rather than them solely gaining genes directly from ancestors, has been widely debated and contested.

The majority of HGT in primates was found to be ancient, occurring sometime between the common ancestor of Chordata and the common ancestor of the primates.“Surprisingly,” says lead author Alastair Crisp, “far from being a rare occurrence, it appears that HGT has contributed to the evolution of many, perhaps all, animals and that the process is ongoing, meaning that we may need to re-evaluate how we think about evolution.”

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A New Way To Be Human: Plans To Replace Humans With ‘Transhuman’ Hybrids


Transhumanists believe that the time has come for humans to take control of their own evolution. Many of them are fully convinced that we can use emerging technologies to “fix” the flaws in the human race and ultimately eradicate sickness, disease, poverty and war.
So would you like to have the eyesight of an eagle? Would you like to download an entire library of information directly into your brain in just minutes? Would you like to extend your lifespan to 500 years or even longer? Transhumanists promise that all of these things will soon be possible, if we are willing to embrace a new way of doing things.

They foresee a future in which we will all have lots of little nanobots running around inside of us, in which we are all connected directly to the Internet, and in which we have all been genetically modified to at least some degree.
In fact, one prominent transhumanist recently stated that he believes that “eventually every human will be designed on a computer“. In the end, the goal is to produce a vastly improved version of the human race which will usher in a golden new age for the planet. But as we merge ourselves with animals, machines and weird new technologies that scientists cook up, at what point do we cease to be human?

And by “weird new technologies”, this is not an overstatement in the least. Just consider what one transhumanist says that they have planned for us:
As with all radical social movements, there is bound to be resistance. After all, transhumanists are interested in some pretty bizarre things: mind uploading, living indefinitely through life extension science, biohacking themselves to install cyborg body parts, and creating artificial general intelligence. Each of these areas of research will radically change the lives of people—and some, such as cyborg body parts, are already doing so.

Today, many transhumanists speak of us becoming “cyborgs” as if it was some sort of foregone conclusion. It is almost as if they are the Borg, and they are telling us that there is no choice but to assimilate. And this assimilation is already happening to a certain degree. If the idea of humanity “merging with machines” sounds bizarre to you, just check out the following excerpt:

Next up are brain implants, tiny computer chips inserted surgically directly into the brain itself. So far, they’ve been used mainly to help treat patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. Scientists say that the capabilities of brain implants are only in their infancy, and some of them envision a near-future where brain implants can even be installed in healthy people to connect them directly to the internet and improve.. The US military agency DARPA is already building such memory chips, and wants to develop implants that could be installed throughout a soldier’s nervous system to provide advanced, on-the-spot healing of conditions from mental illness to arthritis.

Of course, most of those developing these new technologies believe that they are doing something wonderful for humanity.And in many cases they are.But at what point do we enter a danger zone?

Meanwhile, scientists continue to push the envelope when it comes to merging humans with animals. Most people don’t realize this, but today we are creating genetically modified cattle with human DNA,and experimenting on human-mouse hybrids with freakishly large brains.where do we draw the line? Will we someday have creatures that are 50 percent human and 50 percent animal walking around our cities?

But what about those of us that do not want to be a part of this future?Is there any room for people that do not want to be genetically modified and that do not want to merge with animals and technology?
Some transhumanists believe that those that do not adapt will eventually be wiped out because they simply will not be able to survive in the new world that is emerging.Other transhumanists believe that in order to truly have a world where there is no sickness, disease, poverty and war, all of the “inferior” humans will ultimately have to be “removed”

So what do you think? Is humanity on the verge of a great leap forward, or are these new technologies actually opening up a door for great darkness?

Original Article Here

5 Questions About The Georgia Guidestones


It’s Called America’s most mysterious monument by many, the structure of the Georgia Guidestones are referred to as an “American Stonehenge” by some, and the “Commandments for a New Age of Reason” by others.

Here are the most asked questions about this monument, its message, and the question of whether there’s any relation to “New World Order” and secret societies.

What are the Georgia Guidestones?

The Georgia Guidestones are an mysterious granite monument located in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument is 19 feet, 3 inches (5.87 m) high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds.These guidestones touch upon a subject that are often associated with a “New World Order”, specifically the claim that it suggests a massive reduction in population(Comamndent #1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature). Other parts of its message are also sometimes interpreted as to imply a one world government. But, is this really the message it is presenting?
The author(s) of the rules remain totally anonymous and their anonymity has been duly preserved. The Guidestones describe the ideal world, as envisioned by its creators.

Who Was the Mysterious One That Designed and Funded Georgia Guidestones?

Theories of conspiracy, occultism, and apocalypse surround this monument, and it has been called a “prism of meaning” by many who have studied it. In June 1979, an unknown person (or persons) under the pseudonym R. C. Christian(Rosicrucian, or R.C.= Rose Cross) hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure. The structure was erected in March 1980.

Are the Rosicrucians Behind it?

The Rosicrucians are known for publishing three Manifestos, published at the beginning of the 17th century: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis and The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.These anonymous works, surrounded by mystery, cryptically introduced the general public to the Rosicrucian philosophy, while announcing a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe.The Georgia Guidestones seem to accomplish the same functions as the Rosicrucian manifestos, by calling for important world transformations and maintaining a climate of mystery. Yet, there is no evidence that any ancient group was involved in this whatsoever: it is equally probably that a modern millionaire decided to make a monument of their philosophy.

What Are the Ten Guides For a New Age of Reason?

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:

1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

These are the ends; a utopia if all important roles are filled by responsible people, but a dystopia when power is held (and maintained) by the corrupt. Many say that the ends justify the means, but the entire debate about this monument -and what it means to say- has been derived from a highly negative interpretation of what it stands for.

Is this Related to a New World Order?

The New World Order is an over-simplification of overwhelming large problems facing us, many of which are intensified or even caused because of how we have set up our society.Don’t misunderstand that: 67 to 85 people have as much wealth as half of humanity, and the power of many of them rest on the current system remaining the way it is. These people do not want a “new” world order: they want to defend the one currently in existence (with them at the top). Implying that this is a force crawling to the top, forged for centuries and kept in only a few hands, is to negate millions of powerful people of their role and responsibility in helping maintain everything the way it is.

Original Article Here

5 Books the Secret Government Hopes You’ll Never Read


There are books that get heavily promoted, wind up on bestseller lists everywhere before the ink has even dried on the pages, and you randomly see everyone at the airport carrying a copy under their arm as if they are being handed out for free with the plane tickets…

And then there are books like the ones on this list that, if the establishment gets its way, you will never so much as lay eyes on.

1. 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read:

The book itself is filled with an eye-opening array (a primer if you will) of actual government documents that paint a picture of who our government does and does not represent. The people? No. Continuity of government, military-industrial complex and megacorporations? Absolutely. Chapters include “The CIA’s Secret Assassination Manual,” “CIA ‘Propaganda Notes’ on the Kennedy Assassination,” “Military Experiments on Our Own Troops,” and plenty of info on government drug running, torture, and covert operations among others.

2. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence:

To put it bluntly, the Central Intelligence Agency did not want this book to come out. Period.
This book was written by former CIA employee Victor L. Marchetti and former State Department intelligence analyst John D. Marks. In 1972, another CIA employee identifying himself as Robert P. B. Lohmann filed an affidavit in a federal court asking for an injunction against the book’s release.
This is the first book that the federal government ever went to court to try and censor before publication. That should tell you enough right there, but here’s a little more. Marchetti referred to the “cult of intelligence” as a way of identifying the counterproductive CIA culture obsessed with “secrecy, elitism, and lawlessness,” and ultimately, a “secret fraternity of the American political aristocracy.”

3. Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time

Historian and author Carroll Quigley originally wrote this 1,300-page tome for a very limited audience, but instead found infamy in the conspiratorial camps opposed to world government and the Western establishment. It doubles as an authoritative historical account of the 20th century and a revelation of many of the machinations of the hidden hand. Quigley,claims he was given access to the records of the Milner Group, a secret society sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In it, Quigley unveils for the first time the admitted workings of the Anglo-American Establishment who have manipulated all manner of world affairs from banking, to nation-building, to wars and military affairs, to grand political schemes for world government,

4. The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World :

L. Fletcher Prouty who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years is best known for blowing the whistle on the CIA’s role in the JFK assassination plot and inspiring the “Mr. X” character in the Oliver Stone movie. From his insider position, Prouty shows how former CIA head Allen W. Dulles and his allies lobbied for the National Security Act and the creation of the CIA itself, then transformed the agency from a restrained intelligence-gathering operation into an unleashed, unaccountable paragovernment entity that carried out countless coups, assassinations, and black ops both foreign and domestic.

5. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:

Once you’ve fallen this far down the rabbit hole, in a dark place where the signs of secret domination are everywhere, you’ll eventually wind up at this book. Former Associated Press reporter-turned-independent historian Michael Hoffman decodes the nexus between occult symbolism and numerous false flags, highly publicized events, and pop culture icons to reveal the secret signs of the Cryptocracy.From the Masons to Ancient Egypt, from secret Kabbalah sects to Skull & Bone and yes, the Illuminati, in addition to any number of other shadowy groups today, the use of mass mind control and cult ritual magic on and against the rest of us is put together masterfully. Ultimately, it is the doctrine of “Revelation of the Method” used by the elite to socially engineer the population to its bidding and steer the world to a new age of global domination.

Via The Daily Sheeple

Mad Science: GM ‘Artificial Humans’ are being Manufactured On ‘Human Farms’

A “Brave New World” or The Matrix come true. Eugenics for the existing human population, while those who can afford “surrogate parts” live better than the rest.

Farms of ‘artificial humans’ to replace animal testing within three years, say experts as they develop microchips which mimic our organs perfectly.

Artificial organs such as lungs, liver, and kidneys are already being used to test cosmetics, chemicals and drugs.


Uwe Marx, a Berlin-based tissue engineer for developers TissUse, said the development of a ’10 organ chip’ was expected within three years in a move that could ‘revolutionise drug development’.

“If our system is approved by the regulators, then it will close down most of the animal-testing laboratories worldwide,” said Uwe Markx – a tissue engineer from Technische Universitat Berlin and founder of TissUse, a firm behind the technology.

Marx anticipated human farms could be made…

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10 Socialist Policies Implemented In The United States

Social Security


Social Security was begun in 1935 as a means of taking care of older generations. At the time, the minimum age set to receive full retirement benefits was 65, as the average life expectancy was only 61. However, as the topic has become more politicized and citizens have had more of their paychecks taken in the name of Social Security, it has become nearly impossible to raise the “retirement” age. What has resulted is a program that forcibly takes from poorer, younger workers in order to give to older, wealthier retirees. Plans to partially privatize the system have been met with fierce hostility, but it appears that if the problem is not dealt with soon enough, Social Security will quickly become insolvent.

The Federal Reserve


Created in 1913, the Federal Reserve is the government’s ultimate institution that is “too big to fail.” It quietly steals dollar values from millions of Americans as inflation increases exponentially. In the meantime, it provides the government unlimited funds to enact other Socialist policies. Through its totalitarian influence, the government prohibits the use of any alternate currencies. Worse yet, the Federal Reserve acts without any type of check or balance and is given almost no scrutiny in its policy decisions, as it has evaded numerous audits in recent history.

Government Schooling


Vladimir Lenin once said, “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” There has perhaps never been a more telling quote in regards to government entanglement in education. The US government has nearly monopolized schooling, as voucher programs have consistently been turned away in order to satisfy always-powerful unions. Schools have been regularly given more rigid national standards since the creation of the Department of Education through programs like No Child Left Behind and Common Core

Corporate Welfare


Supported ubiquitously on both sides of the aisle in Congress, while being vehemently opposed by almost every American citizen, corporate bailouts pick winners and losers in what should actually be a free market which punishes corporations that act badly. Worst of all, corporate bailouts are rarely labeled as such; they are often masked as programs designed to help the poor.
There are too many pro-big business government programs in existence to name them all, but it is safe to say that if a regulation is supposedly designed to target large corporations, such legislation will likely end up only applying to their smaller competitors, with many exceptions for the bigwigs themselves.

The Internal Revenue Service


Created in order to streamline collection of income taxes, the IRS is likely the most hated government entity in the US.The tax system itself is the embodiment of class warfare, as wealthier individuals pay much higher rates. The IRS is powerful and pervasive; Americans as a whole spend millions of dollars and hours every year in an attempt to fill their taxes out correctly. Even the smallest discrepancy can be cause for an audit by the IRS, and if you are found to be hiding something from the government, you could be in jail for a long time.

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