Books The Ruling Elite Don’t Want You to Read


“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.
We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”

-George Orwell, 1984

Despite the American public being brainwashed into believing that their nation is a “democracy” The real fact is that America today, is run by a small elite. A de-facto corporate dictatorship,In other words an Oligarchy .

The inequality and oppression that America faces now resembles that of a third world oligarchy. The only purpose of an oligarchy is to perpetuate oligarchic rule.Hence, “change” is not a choice, lest the rulers might be held to account for their crimes. The majority of voters voted for Obama in 2008 because they wanted change. The word “change” did resonate in the hearts of Americans, but, unfortunately, the people were once again bamboozled.The following list of books contains sources not often cited by mainstream media . . . and there is a reason for that. These books promote critical thinking, revisit the coverups of history, and promote individual empowerment. They should be read widely in order to raise awareness of the situation facing America today, so that we can take back what has been taken from us.

Propaganda, Edward Bernays

Media control and propaganda is how the rest of what is contained in the books that follows is ever made possible. Without belief in the orchestrated events of history, the tactics employed by the ruling elite could never work. This is an essential place to start to learn how human perception is altered so that a false reality can be created and accepted.

Corporatism: The Secret Government of the New World Order, Jeffrey Grupp

Corporatism is the merger of big business with big government. It is a political and economic system where labor bosses and bankers are the government. Under corporatism, corporations control the economy. Through it, they control the social and psychological structure of a nation. Corporatism is a system where government is obsessed with corporate profit, in any way needed, regardless of human cost . Corporations control all basic resources of the world, all the governments and institutions, and prevent us from solving humanity’s problems. Their New World Order plan is the global ‘prison planet’ that Hitler was aiming for.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins

An extraordinary and gripping tale of intrigue and dark machinations. Perkins writes about the Enron-style of cooking the books to convince foreign governments to accept billions of dollars of loans from the World Bank and other institutions to build dams, airports, electric grids, and other infrastructure he knew they couldn’t afford. The loans were given on condition that construction and engineering contracts went to U.S. companies.

Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley

this is the ultimate insider admission of a secret global elite that has impacted nearly every modern historical event. detailed is how the Anglo-American banking elite were able to secretly establish and maintain their global power. 1,359 pages of details about how the New World Order really works. A confession from one of the architects of the power elite and the structures they use to divide and conquer the planet.

None Dare Call it Conspiracy,Gary Allen

Originally published in 1971, this book still rings true. Gary Allen distills the machinations of the political, banking, and elite think tanks into the most concise book ever written about how it is possible for a small group of puppet masters to direct world events and control entire populations.

63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read, Jesse Ventura

The official spin on numerous government programs is flat-out bullsh*t, according to Jesse Ventura. Ventura proves it beyond any doubt with this incredible collection of actual government documents, including previously classified papers that were brought into the public domain by WikiLeaks. Among the trove of documents it is brought to light how we’ve been duped into wars we shouldn’t be fighting, lied to about intelligence, fed hogwash about terrorism, and tricked into losing more and more of our civil liberties.

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, G. Edward Griffin

This is the classic exposé of the Fed that has become one of the best-selling books in its category of all time. Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magician’s secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.This book is about the most blatant scam of history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Your world view will definitely change. Putting it quite simply, this may be the most important book on world affairs you will ever read.

Original Article Here

5 Books the Secret Government Hopes You’ll Never Read


There are books that get heavily promoted, wind up on bestseller lists everywhere before the ink has even dried on the pages, and you randomly see everyone at the airport carrying a copy under their arm as if they are being handed out for free with the plane tickets…

And then there are books like the ones on this list that, if the establishment gets its way, you will never so much as lay eyes on.

1. 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read:

The book itself is filled with an eye-opening array (a primer if you will) of actual government documents that paint a picture of who our government does and does not represent. The people? No. Continuity of government, military-industrial complex and megacorporations? Absolutely. Chapters include “The CIA’s Secret Assassination Manual,” “CIA ‘Propaganda Notes’ on the Kennedy Assassination,” “Military Experiments on Our Own Troops,” and plenty of info on government drug running, torture, and covert operations among others.

2. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence:

To put it bluntly, the Central Intelligence Agency did not want this book to come out. Period.
This book was written by former CIA employee Victor L. Marchetti and former State Department intelligence analyst John D. Marks. In 1972, another CIA employee identifying himself as Robert P. B. Lohmann filed an affidavit in a federal court asking for an injunction against the book’s release.
This is the first book that the federal government ever went to court to try and censor before publication. That should tell you enough right there, but here’s a little more. Marchetti referred to the “cult of intelligence” as a way of identifying the counterproductive CIA culture obsessed with “secrecy, elitism, and lawlessness,” and ultimately, a “secret fraternity of the American political aristocracy.”

3. Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time

Historian and author Carroll Quigley originally wrote this 1,300-page tome for a very limited audience, but instead found infamy in the conspiratorial camps opposed to world government and the Western establishment. It doubles as an authoritative historical account of the 20th century and a revelation of many of the machinations of the hidden hand. Quigley,claims he was given access to the records of the Milner Group, a secret society sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In it, Quigley unveils for the first time the admitted workings of the Anglo-American Establishment who have manipulated all manner of world affairs from banking, to nation-building, to wars and military affairs, to grand political schemes for world government,

4. The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World :

L. Fletcher Prouty who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years is best known for blowing the whistle on the CIA’s role in the JFK assassination plot and inspiring the “Mr. X” character in the Oliver Stone movie. From his insider position, Prouty shows how former CIA head Allen W. Dulles and his allies lobbied for the National Security Act and the creation of the CIA itself, then transformed the agency from a restrained intelligence-gathering operation into an unleashed, unaccountable paragovernment entity that carried out countless coups, assassinations, and black ops both foreign and domestic.

5. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:

Once you’ve fallen this far down the rabbit hole, in a dark place where the signs of secret domination are everywhere, you’ll eventually wind up at this book. Former Associated Press reporter-turned-independent historian Michael Hoffman decodes the nexus between occult symbolism and numerous false flags, highly publicized events, and pop culture icons to reveal the secret signs of the Cryptocracy.From the Masons to Ancient Egypt, from secret Kabbalah sects to Skull & Bone and yes, the Illuminati, in addition to any number of other shadowy groups today, the use of mass mind control and cult ritual magic on and against the rest of us is put together masterfully. Ultimately, it is the doctrine of “Revelation of the Method” used by the elite to socially engineer the population to its bidding and steer the world to a new age of global domination.

Via The Daily Sheeple