The Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Being Pushed By The World Economic Forum

When one talks about the “global elite”, one usually refers to a small group of wealthy and powerful individuals who operate beyond national borders. Through various organizations, these non-elected individuals gather in semi-secrecy to decide policies they want to see applied on a global level. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is smack dab in the middle of it all. Indeed, through its annual Davos meetings, the WEF attempts to legitimize and normalize its influence on the world’s democratic nations by having a panel of world leaders attending and speaking at the event.

A simple look at the list of attendees at these meetings reveals the organization’s incredible reach and influence. The biggest names in media, politics, business, science, technology, and finance are represented at the WEF. According to mass media, the Davos meetings gather people to discuss issues such as “inequality, climate change, and international cooperation”. This simplistic description appears to be custom-made to cause the average citizen to yawn in boredom. But topics at the WEF go much further than “inequality”.

Throughout the years, people at the WEF have said some highly disturbing things, none of which garnered proper media attention. In fact, when one pieces together the topics championed by the WEF, an overarching theme emerges: The total control of humanity using media, science, and technology while reshaping democracies to form a global government.

And so Here are some of the most dystopian things that are being pushed by the WEF right now. 

Penetrating Governments

The least one can say is that Klaus Schwab, the founder and the head of the WEF is not a fan of democracy. In fact, he perceives it as an obstacle to a fully globalized world. In the 2010 WEF report titled “Global Redesign”, Schwab postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments , and select civil society organizations (CSOs)”. This is the exact opposite of a democracy.

Schwab has argued that governments are no longer “the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. For this reason, the Transnational Institute (TNI) described the WEF as “a silent global coup d’état” to capture governance.

In 2017,Schwab blatantly admitted what is continually dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by mass media: The WEF is “penetrating” governments around the world.

In this outstanding talk, Schwab blatantly states that various world leaders have been “groomed” by the WEF. This is the absolute truth, confirmed by the head of the WEF himself.

Pushing For a Great Reset

As stated above, the WEF perceives the pandemic as an “opportunity”. It is not only an opportunity to reshape our personal existence but to restructure the entire world structure according to its principles. The WEF calls it “the Great Reset”. To promote this Reset the WEF released this propaganda video :

The Great Reset is an announcement of the “death of capitalism”. While capitalism is based on a self-regulating system of offer and demand, the Great Reset looks to redefine the way businesses are evaluated through new parameters. The main one: Compliance with the elite’s social and political agendas.

 Instead of allowing successful individuals and businesses to grow organically, the elite’s system would interfere to “get the right people at the right place at the right time”, in accordance with its agenda. In other words, the system would be rigged and compliance with a wider agenda would be mandatory in a new economy.

Recalibrating” freedom of speech

An easy way to identify world leaders who are groomed by the WEF is through their incessant railing against free speech. They absolutely hate it and they’re constantly calling for the internet to be censored and highly regulated.

At the 2022 Davos meeting, Australian “eSafety commissioner” Julie Inman Grant stated that we need a “recalibration of free speech”.

 Grant essentially calls for censorship. She even believes that freedom of speech as a human right should be “recalibrated” using “online violence” as an excuse. Free speech is, in fact, binary. Either it exists or it doesn’t. And they clearly don’t want it to exist.

Pills That Contain Microchips

Once again, this title sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory cleverly worded for sensationalism. It is not. Here’s a video from the WEF’s 2018 meeting where Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, talks about pills that contain microchips.

As Bourla himself said: Imagine the compliance. This kind of technology could easily open the door to all kinds of nefarious applications. Since then, COVID put Pfizer in a position of power never seen before for a pharmaceutical company.

By 2030 “You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.”

This is probably the most dystopian moment in WEF history. In 2016, Ida Auken, a Member of Parliament in Denmark Wrote an Essay orginally entitled: Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.

In this dystopian future, there are no products you can own. Only “services” that are rented and delivered using drones. This system would make all humans completely dependent on WEF-controlled corporations for every single basic need. There would be absolutely no autonomy, no freedom, and no privacy. And you’ll be happy.

 With the WEF agenda two common themes become obvious. The first theme is “penetration”. The WEF wants to penetrate governments using “Global Leaders” (aka Manchurian candidates). It also wants to penetrate our bodies through pills, microchips, and vaccines.  The other theme is “control”. They want to control what we think, where we go, what we say, what we eat, and what we wear.

Via: Zero Hedge

Original Article: Vigilant Citizen

Gingrich: Establishment Scared of Trump Because He ”Didn’t Belong to the Secret Society”

A slip of Truth in the midst of campaign hype and lies. This is not an endorsement of Donald Trump, even though he may not be an establishment insider, he is a an elitist oligarch with his own agenda.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that the establishment is scared of Donald Trump because he “didn’t belong to a secret society” and wasn’t involved in any of the rituals associated with such groups.

Discussing Mitt Romney’s anti-Trump speech , Gingrich said it represented “the panic of the establishment wing of the (Republican) Party,” and that the prospect of Trump becoming the nominee “absolutely drives them crazy”.

When asked why, Gingrich responded, “Well because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites, he didn’t belong to the secret society.”

Gingrich is in a perfect position to know about “secret societies” given his affiliation with Bohemian Grove, an annual encampment that takes place every year in Monte Rio, California and is attended by some of the most powerful people in the world.

Via The Daily Sheeple

5 Powerful Families That Secretly Control The World

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
-Benjamin Disraeli

Rothschild, Rockefeller, Du Pont, Morgan and Bush.These are just a handful of families that have had inordinate influence upon recent history. Conspiracy theorists say they are the puppet masters that control the highest echelons of society in Finance,Politics, Culture, and International Business. A fact that can not be ignored is their influence in moving society towards the goal of a One world order.

Via Realities Watch

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Agenda 21 Meets Corporate NWO


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “is a key trade initiative” that the Obama administration claims is “seeking to support jobs for American workers by boosting American exports to the dynamic Asia-Pacific region, promote manufacturing, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and at the same time, reflect in the agreement important values on key issues such as worker rights and the environment.”

However, the agenda of the TPP is a securitization of customs and border patrol services, telecommunications, corporate competition policy that directly effects immigration, corporate investments, and the addition of intellectual property rights with focus on copyright limitations

The TPP, held in secret, is a multi-national trade agreement to extend intellectual property rights creating an international enforcement scheme.

In a White House statement , Obama seeks to incorporate America with Canada(The North American Union) and the other TPP countries in a “next-generation regional agreement that liberalizes trade and investment.” The press release explains that TPP will build upon “the commitments of NAFTA.”

Outsourcing, which was endorsed by NAFTA over a decade ago, would be enhanced under TPP, where manipulation of governments by mega-corporations could ensure profit margins increase exponentially.

There is an initiative to control global IP enforcement by the UN under signatory treaty wherein nations will be mandated to enact domestic laws that have been worded to reflect the provisions in the TPP agreement. Within TPP is an UN-like tribunal of attorneys that would govern legal disputes, enforce through international judgment complaints regarding governmental regulations and oversee adherence to corporate operations despite independent right of sovereign nations under international mandate.

Corporate control over natural resources through the use of international tribunals that will rule over environmental issues, land use, public health, and any and all laws or regulations foreign or domestic that apply. Those tribunals would be seated by private sector lawyers operating under the UN and World Bank (WB) demand for taxpayer compensation of domestic regulatory policies because corporations must be paid back for “expected future profits”

The TPP rewrites domestic law to fit international accord with corporate interest. Whether it is environmental or social issues, the TPP allows the end result to be in line with the profitability of the endeavor. All globalist schemes are wrapped up nicely in the TPP agreement. By empowering multi-national corporations, as they have done with the central banking cartels, the global Elite are ensured their one world government comes to fruition.

Original Article Here

Big Banks Rejecting Cash deposits In Latest Moves Towards A Cashless Society?


A surprising new threat has come along to the health of big banks – large cash deposits. In an obvious move towards a cashless society, these banks are now charging customers to hold their cash for them and in doing so, JP Morgan Chase alone has cut unwanted cash deposits by more than 150 billion dollars this year by charging fees.

The fractional reserve Banking system, is not only moving away from Big Bank deposits, but even private accounts and credits will not accept cash payments. Bank of America notorious for stashing (CIA) Drug money, would not allow a private homeowner to pay a cash deposit toward his own Home mortage.

With big banks now moving away from cash and warnings from scientists of forced microchipping in humanity’s future, Are we moving toward’s a One World Economic (Beast) control system?

Original Story Here

5 Questions About The Georgia Guidestones


It’s Called America’s most mysterious monument by many, the structure of the Georgia Guidestones are referred to as an “American Stonehenge” by some, and the “Commandments for a New Age of Reason” by others.

Here are the most asked questions about this monument, its message, and the question of whether there’s any relation to “New World Order” and secret societies.

What are the Georgia Guidestones?

The Georgia Guidestones are an mysterious granite monument located in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument is 19 feet, 3 inches (5.87 m) high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds.These guidestones touch upon a subject that are often associated with a “New World Order”, specifically the claim that it suggests a massive reduction in population(Comamndent #1 Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature). Other parts of its message are also sometimes interpreted as to imply a one world government. But, is this really the message it is presenting?
The author(s) of the rules remain totally anonymous and their anonymity has been duly preserved. The Guidestones describe the ideal world, as envisioned by its creators.

Who Was the Mysterious One That Designed and Funded Georgia Guidestones?

Theories of conspiracy, occultism, and apocalypse surround this monument, and it has been called a “prism of meaning” by many who have studied it. In June 1979, an unknown person (or persons) under the pseudonym R. C. Christian(Rosicrucian, or R.C.= Rose Cross) hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure. The structure was erected in March 1980.

Are the Rosicrucians Behind it?

The Rosicrucians are known for publishing three Manifestos, published at the beginning of the 17th century: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis and The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.These anonymous works, surrounded by mystery, cryptically introduced the general public to the Rosicrucian philosophy, while announcing a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe.The Georgia Guidestones seem to accomplish the same functions as the Rosicrucian manifestos, by calling for important world transformations and maintaining a climate of mystery. Yet, there is no evidence that any ancient group was involved in this whatsoever: it is equally probably that a modern millionaire decided to make a monument of their philosophy.

What Are the Ten Guides For a New Age of Reason?

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:

1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

These are the ends; a utopia if all important roles are filled by responsible people, but a dystopia when power is held (and maintained) by the corrupt. Many say that the ends justify the means, but the entire debate about this monument -and what it means to say- has been derived from a highly negative interpretation of what it stands for.

Is this Related to a New World Order?

The New World Order is an over-simplification of overwhelming large problems facing us, many of which are intensified or even caused because of how we have set up our society.Don’t misunderstand that: 67 to 85 people have as much wealth as half of humanity, and the power of many of them rest on the current system remaining the way it is. These people do not want a “new” world order: they want to defend the one currently in existence (with them at the top). Implying that this is a force crawling to the top, forged for centuries and kept in only a few hands, is to negate millions of powerful people of their role and responsibility in helping maintain everything the way it is.

Original Article Here

5 Books the Secret Government Hopes You’ll Never Read


There are books that get heavily promoted, wind up on bestseller lists everywhere before the ink has even dried on the pages, and you randomly see everyone at the airport carrying a copy under their arm as if they are being handed out for free with the plane tickets…

And then there are books like the ones on this list that, if the establishment gets its way, you will never so much as lay eyes on.

1. 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read:

The book itself is filled with an eye-opening array (a primer if you will) of actual government documents that paint a picture of who our government does and does not represent. The people? No. Continuity of government, military-industrial complex and megacorporations? Absolutely. Chapters include “The CIA’s Secret Assassination Manual,” “CIA ‘Propaganda Notes’ on the Kennedy Assassination,” “Military Experiments on Our Own Troops,” and plenty of info on government drug running, torture, and covert operations among others.

2. The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence:

To put it bluntly, the Central Intelligence Agency did not want this book to come out. Period.
This book was written by former CIA employee Victor L. Marchetti and former State Department intelligence analyst John D. Marks. In 1972, another CIA employee identifying himself as Robert P. B. Lohmann filed an affidavit in a federal court asking for an injunction against the book’s release.
This is the first book that the federal government ever went to court to try and censor before publication. That should tell you enough right there, but here’s a little more. Marchetti referred to the “cult of intelligence” as a way of identifying the counterproductive CIA culture obsessed with “secrecy, elitism, and lawlessness,” and ultimately, a “secret fraternity of the American political aristocracy.”

3. Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time

Historian and author Carroll Quigley originally wrote this 1,300-page tome for a very limited audience, but instead found infamy in the conspiratorial camps opposed to world government and the Western establishment. It doubles as an authoritative historical account of the 20th century and a revelation of many of the machinations of the hidden hand. Quigley,claims he was given access to the records of the Milner Group, a secret society sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. In it, Quigley unveils for the first time the admitted workings of the Anglo-American Establishment who have manipulated all manner of world affairs from banking, to nation-building, to wars and military affairs, to grand political schemes for world government,

4. The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World :

L. Fletcher Prouty who served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years is best known for blowing the whistle on the CIA’s role in the JFK assassination plot and inspiring the “Mr. X” character in the Oliver Stone movie. From his insider position, Prouty shows how former CIA head Allen W. Dulles and his allies lobbied for the National Security Act and the creation of the CIA itself, then transformed the agency from a restrained intelligence-gathering operation into an unleashed, unaccountable paragovernment entity that carried out countless coups, assassinations, and black ops both foreign and domestic.

5. Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:

Once you’ve fallen this far down the rabbit hole, in a dark place where the signs of secret domination are everywhere, you’ll eventually wind up at this book. Former Associated Press reporter-turned-independent historian Michael Hoffman decodes the nexus between occult symbolism and numerous false flags, highly publicized events, and pop culture icons to reveal the secret signs of the Cryptocracy.From the Masons to Ancient Egypt, from secret Kabbalah sects to Skull & Bone and yes, the Illuminati, in addition to any number of other shadowy groups today, the use of mass mind control and cult ritual magic on and against the rest of us is put together masterfully. Ultimately, it is the doctrine of “Revelation of the Method” used by the elite to socially engineer the population to its bidding and steer the world to a new age of global domination.

Via The Daily Sheeple

Bill Gates calls for ‘global government’


Billionaire Bill Gates called for “a kind of global government” this week, arguing that the creation of such a system would be needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.” Speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper Tuesday, Gates decried the fact that a proper United Nations system has failed to materialize as planned.

“You can make fun of it, but in truth it was sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individual who behave like the UN system failed,” Gates said .

Gates went on to stress his position further, stating that a global government was “badly needed” in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.“Take the UN, it has been created especially for the security in the world. We are ready for war, because we have taken every precaution. We have NATO, we have divisions, jeeps, trained people,” Gates said. “But what is with epidemics? How many doctors do we have as much planes, tents, what scientists? If there were such a thing as a world government, we would be better prepared.”

The billionaire made headlines last week after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries, a program that would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems.

Despite the media’s constant glowing portrayal of Gates, which is rooted in his funding of major news outlets, a look at many of the so-called philanthropist’s pet projects reveals his true nature.

Via Intellihub

Globalist Rockefeller Foundation Document Predicts Future Global Police State


A Rockefeller Foundation white paper published in May of 2010 titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development takes a look at hypothetical future scenario which may be used to benefit privy globalist corporations, businessmen and organizations at a later time.

Shockingly published in the Scenario Narratives section on page 18, titled Lock Step, the Rockefeller Foundation nearly hit the nail on the head with their futuristic and fictitious scenario.

An excerpt from page 18 reads:

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain originating from wild geese was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains.

The pandemic blanketed the planet though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.

Basically the publication is insinuating that a new world will be formed after a pandemic strikes, allowing “top-down government control” and “more authoritarian leadership”. And you know what? They may not be that far off.Considering this document was put together by the Rockefeller Foundation one must question if it really does hold answers to the ultimate plan of those in leadership. One must also ask why is what they predicted playing out today.

Population reduction white paper argues that the killing of 2 billion people still isn’t enough

A recent academic paper serves as a perfect example of this hiding our zest for depopulation by any means mentality. Corey J. A. Bradshaw and Barry W. Brook, both of the Environment Institute and School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide Australia, note that even a loss of 2 billion people over the course of five years still would not be enough of a depopulation effort to do the earth much good. The paper, titled, “Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems,” states the issue thusly, in a summary:

The planet’s large, growing, and overconsuming human population, especially the increasing affluent component, is rapidly eroding many of the Earth’s natural ecosystems.Even a catastrophic mass mortality event of 2 billion deaths over a hypothetical 5-y window in the mid-21st century would still yield around 8.5 billion people by 2100. In the absence of catastrophe or large fertility reductions (to fewer than two children per female worldwide), the greatest threats to ecosystems–as measured by regional projections within the 35 global Biodiversity Hotspots–indicate that Africa and South Asia will experience the greatest human pressures on future ecosystems.

What could reduce the global population in such a rapid time? some sort of mass casualty/pandemic/world war? That is the possibility the authors examine in the body of their work.So, buried in their paper is the hoped-for solution: Some sort of “catastrophic mass mortality” that would dramatically reduce the Earth’s population because, you know, that’s what has to happen if we are to save the planet.

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