The 15 Most Powerful Members Of ‘Skull And Bones’

The most famous secret society in America, Skull and Bones was co-founded at Yale in 1832 by the father of a future president and has come to signify everything that attracts and repulses the public about “The Elite.”

Rumor has it that Yale junior class members are tapped for membership each fall by some measure of leadership, influence and breeding.Among the business titans, poets, politicians and three US Presidents that are rumored to be members, we’ve picked out the honor roll.

William Howard Taft – Class of 1878


Our 27th, and fattest (fun fact), President was known to his college buddies as “Big Lub,” and was the first “Bonesman” ever to reach The Oval Office.Frankly, young Mr. Taft would probably had a rather easy time getting into the club…His father, and one-time Attorney General, Alphonso Taft, co-founded Skull and Bones as a Yale student in 1832.

William Averill Harriman – Class of 1913


The future Governor of New York and Presidential candidate was clearly a man who liked his time at Yale…
Immediately after inheriting the largest fortune in The United States from his railroad baron father upon his graduation, Harriman took a job as Yale’s crew coach and stuck around New Haven.
Harriman would go on to become a major player in international politics, Providing diplomatic and financial support to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. in 1931 he would Become a founding Member of Brown Brother’s Harriman. The investment firm that would provide financial support to Hitler and the Nazi’s.

Prescott Bush – Class of 1916


If you thought “Dubya” was a wild man in his college years, you should have met his grand-daddy.
Prescott, the future Senator from Connecticut, was apparently a real “cut-up” who, along with some other Bonesmen, is believed to have dug up and absconded with the skull of the legendary Native American warrior Geronimo during World War I.Legend has it that Geronimo’s head is still inside Skull and Bones HQ, known as “The Tomb,” at 64 High Street in New Haven. Prescott would go on to become involved with Brown Brothers- Harriman The wall street investment firm that would go on to fund Hitler and the Nazi’s and to plot a business coup to overthrow president Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934.

Henry Luce – Class of 1920


The man who went on to found and publish Time Magazine was first an editor of The Yale Daily News.He was also a man that fellow Bonesmen referred to as “Baal,” an apparent reference to a mythological, ancient, Aramaic demon.We have no idea why, but the mind boggles at the implications.However it can’t be verified whether or not luce was personally involved with editing or selecting Mass Murderer’s Adolf Hitler,and Josef Stalin as time’s Man of the year.

George Herbert Walker Bush – Class of 1948


The second ever Bonesman to be elected President, “41” was also a fighter pilot in WWII, Ambassador to “Red China” and Director of the CIA.His training at Skull and Bones must have been invaluable in the career he made out of keeping safe the secrets of state. Bush spent more than 40 years as a behind the scene’s player of the establishment Elite,with implications of his being involved in the J.F.K. assassination and the Iran-Contra Scandal.

John F. Kerry – Class of 1966


The now senior Senator from Massachusetts was only a college Junior when he was “Tapped” as a Bonesman after a childhood spent abroad with his diplomat father.Kerry’s period of membership as an on-campus Bonesman just missed intersecting with a man he would come to challenge for the presidency in 2004..

George W. Bush – Class of 1968


W” was a man who’s family was synonymous with Skull and Bones by the time he arrived on Yale’s campus as a Freshman, but it has been whispered that many thought his family would agree to his not being “Tapped” as George was a rather… “distractable” young man.But after joining up with the family club, joining the cheerleading team and generally raising hell, “W” ended up as the third Bonesman to occupy the office of the President. With 9/11 becoming the defining moment of Bush’s Presidency and the gateway to our current police state. It cant help but to be pointed out Bush’s insider business dealings with the Saudi Royal Family and Osama bin laden himslef, Bush’s so called “sworn enemy”.

Read More: Business Insider

Trump: Establishment insider or outsider? His NWO connections


Is Donald Trump a New World Order stooge designed to fulfil the agenda of the Rothschilds?

Presidential candidate and GOP front-runner Donald Trump has connections to some of the most wealthy and elite families in the world, including families commonly referred to as “illuminati” who have been accused of trying to bring about a new world order via their control of world finances, politics and media.

Trump is no exception in this Rothschild connection. We know insider Trump has socialized and cut business deals with the wealthy Manhattan elite for decades. It has been insider Trump that has been pushing the hard line ofIslamophobia within America, to fan the flames of hate against all Muslims. Many have theorized that Trump is actually running to split the vote and throw the election to career criminal Hillary Clinton. Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) recently exposed how Trump is turning to the CFR for military and foreign policy advice.

Nothing is black and white, but given Trump’s copious ties to NWO-related people and agendas, it’s a stretch to call him an outsider, even if he may not be a full insider. Newt Gingrich slipped up on the MSM (Mainstream Media) recently when he revealed that Trump was not an insider because he was not part of the club and had not “been through the initiation rites” – with an obvious admission that Secret Societies like Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Club, etc. run the show.

Insider Trump and Resorts International: Mafia, CIA, Mossad, Rockefeller and Rothschild

Trump is most assuredly connected to the most powerful groups in the world through his business dealings. In a related article Who Towers Behind Trump?, Michael collins Piper reveals how Trump acquired 93% of the voting stock in gambling company Resorts International in 1987:

“Resorts International was established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their “enforcers” in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its allied intelligence agency, Israel’s Mossad. In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.”

Career politicians make a living learning how to become most electable and how to best appeal to voters. Their ambitions, career and income all depend on it. Depicting yourself as agent of change, or an outsider, is a very obvious tactic of politicians who want to get voted in. However, at this stage in the game, the general public all over the world has been so massively hoodwinked and deceived for so long that it would be wise to be extremely skeptical of any politician making the “outsider” claim. Importantly, the voting public needs to do its homework to check out and investigate the history and connections of any would-be leader, especially outsider Trump, or insider Trump.

Read More: Disclose TV

Air Force Official Admits They Can Control Weather – HAARP


While HAARP and weather control has been called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media and government officials, during a Senate hearing David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering, dropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Gakona,Alaska in the summer of 2015.

Walker said “this is not an area that we have any need for in the future and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”

Many believe HAARP was created and has been used for weather control, with enough juice to trigger hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes and comments such as this bring about the question of whether conspiracy theorists are more on target than anyone has admitted to date.

This is not the first time a public official has acknowledged that HAARP and weather control is not only possible, but has been and continues to be, used as a “super weapon,” as evidenced by a statement in 1997 by former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.”

Is it still just a conspiracy theory if public officials admit it is true?

Via: GeoEngineering Watch

China, Russia and Iran planning counter gold backed currency


Is this True opposition to the current Debt based Dollar?

A Eurasian Golden Triangle is emerging with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points, F. William Engdahl notes.

“Sometimes profound tectonic shifts in the global politics arise from the least noticed events. Such is the situation with Iran and the recent visit to Tehran of China’s President Xi Jinping. What emerged from the talks confirms that the vital third leg of what will become a genuine Eurasian Golden Triangle, of nations committed to peaceful economic development, is now in place,”

On January 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani signed almost 17 agreements on economic and technological cooperation. Furthermore, the leaders announced they will cooperate on the China-led One Belt One Road initiative. Engdahl calls the formal inclusion of Iran into China’s New Economic Silk Road project “a giant positive step.” According to Engdahl, it will allow Tehran to “break years of economic isolation” and will open doors to the region’s economic development.

Referring to the fact that Iran currently has SCO Observer status Engdahl envisages that Iran will be formally admitted as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at their next annual meeting this summer.

“We’re seeing the emergence of a true Eurasian Golden Triangle with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points. “With the stated plan to route the Silk Road rail infrastructure to assist the mining of new gold for currency backing of the Eurasian member states, including now Iran with its significant own unexploited gold, the hyper-inflated, debt-bloated dollar system is gaining a formidable positive alternative.

Original Article: Here

China wants to make Minority Report A Reality


(Insert U.S. in the place of China while reading this article, and you wont be far off from how this technology/ Data gathering is being used here against the public as well)

China has a new strategy in fighting crime, ripped from science fiction and hastily pasted at the top of the list of paranoia-inducing concepts. It’s called pre-crime. It goes further than sting operations, counterterrorism, or any other government action to preempt criminal activity ever before.

Like the 2002 film Minority Report, China wants to fight crimes before they happen. They want to know they’ll happen before they’re planned—before the criminal even knows he’s going to be part of them. The Chinese Communist Party “has directed one of the country’s largest state-run defense contractors, China Electronics Technology Group, to develop software to collate data on jobs, hobbies, consumption habits, and other behavior of ordinary citizens to predict terrorist acts before they occur.”

The Chinese government wants to know about everything: every text a person sends, every extra stop they make on the way home. It’s designed for dissidents, but it means that they’ll know every time a smoker buys a pack of cigarettes, how much gas a car owner uses, what time the new mom goes to bed, and what’s in the bachelor’s refrigerator.

Science fiction aside, pre-crime is already somewhat of a reality; data gathering is part of intelligence communities’ and police surveillance efforts and has been for years. A lot of that surveillance has helped nab those responsible for things like child pornography. But whereas it’s been largely surgical here in the U.S., China wants total coverage, which makes crime prevention look a lot different.

Crime prevention is a double-edged sword when it comes to individual rights: The logic that promotes deterrents (like better locks, larger police forces) doesn’t target individual criminals, but rather focuses on protecting people and property from any criminals that might do harm. And again, this sort of thing isn’t going to be used to stop break-ins and muggings, but rather anti-government and anti-stability crimes. This activity isn’t getting a lot of pushback from civil liberties groups, and part of that could be because a lot of people aren’t convinced the government doesn’t already have all of this information.

Original Story: The Daily Beast

The Matrix of Technocracy: The Roots of the Conspiracy


Jon Rappoport

Many independent researchers, writers, and broadcasters have exposed the operation called technocracy. Consider the term “scientific humanism.” The Oxford Dictionary offers this definition: “A form of humanist theory and practice that is based on the principles and methods of science; specifically the doctrine that human beings should employ scientific methods in studying human life and behaviour, in order to direct the welfare and future of mankind in a rational and beneficial manner…Origin mid-19th century.

Two items jump out from the page: “…in order to direct the welfare and future of mankind,” and “Origin mid-19th century.” The first phrase obviously refers to a plan. And the plan emerges from being able to study, at a great height, populations and nations—in order to direct their behavior, in order to place them and move them on a chessboard. “Scientifically.”
Free will? Not important. Free exchange of goods and services? Not important. The unique vision and desire of the individual? Not important. Only science is important—whatever that means.Science/rule by technology/technocracy becomes the justification for control.

As the Oxford Dictionary mentions, this kind of program had its roots in the mid-19th century. Let’s now try to summarize thousands of pages of scholarship in a few paragraphs.
Darwin published his hypothesis about evolution in 1859. Marx and Engels published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Prior to Marx, Engels, and Darwin, the word “humanism” referred to a tradition of philosophy, knowledge, culture, education, and art birthed by the ancient Greeks—coming forward through Rome to the European Renaissance. It elevated human beings. It tended toward greater freedom, less Church repression. But then, in the mid-19th century, humanism took a sharp turn. It became identified with “the march of science,” the triumph of philosophic materialism (Darwin), and the complete restructuring of nations and societies according to a social, economic, and political plan that would “benefit all” (Marx, Engels). Humanism was stripped down to “scientific humanism.”

In succeeding generations, all the way up to today, intellectuals and scientists and technologists have adopted the viewpoint that, since they can see the whole of society from above, and since they can understand its workings in clearer and evermore specific terms, and since they understand the vast field of natural resources, they can and should, quite naturally, and as a matter of course, plan and plot the future of humanity. Their impulse was, behind the scenes, aided and abetted by a quite different cast of characters, who wanted a new world order, a political and economic management system for the entire planet (now known as Globalism).

This is, in effect, a two-tier operation. At the top are the Rockefeller Globalists; and under them, millions of useful high-IQ idiots who love to play chess with the world population.The propaganda wing of this operation insists, at every turn: the only “solution” for planet Earth is the group solution. The group, the mass, the collective.It is unthinkable that The Individual would have anything to contribute. The staging of civilization’s ebbs and flows, victories and defeats, always has the aim of discounting and reducing the role of the individual. Whatever else is intended, that is intended.

Mind control tries to make individuals think of themselves as helpless pieces on the chessboard. Mind control tries to make individuals surrender their free will. Mind control tries to make individuals believe they have no place in the modern world. Rather, they must be part of a group; otherwise, they’re invisible. What I call the Reality Manufacturing Company wants everyone to have the same inner configuration.That is the basis of collectivism at the deepest level.

At the outbreak of World War 2, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) began making plans for the post-war world.The question it posed was this: could America exist as a self-sufficient nation, or would it have to go outside its borders for vital resources?Predictably, the answer was: imperial empire.The US would not only need to obtain natural resources abroad, it would have to embark on endless conquest to assure continued access.
The CFR, of course, wasn’t just some think tank. It was connected to the highest levels of US government, through the State Department. A front for Rockefeller interests, it actually stood above the government.

Through wars, clandestine operations, legislation, treaties, manipulation of nations’ debt, control of banks and money supplies, countries could be turned into “managed units.”Increasingly, the populations of countries would be regulated and directed and held in thrall to the State.And the individual? He would go the way of other extinct species. As the years and decades passed, this notion of the collective and its requirements, in a “humane civilization,” expanded.On every level of society, people were urged to think of themselves as part of a greater group. The individual and his hopes, his unique dreams, his desires and energies, his determination and will power…all these were portrayed as relics of an unworkable and deluded past.

In the planned society, no one rises above the mass, except those men who run and operate and propagandize the mass. The Plan is all that is important. The plan involves universal surveillance, in order to map the lives of billions of people, move by move, in order to design systems of control within which those billions live, day to day.

Read More: Activist Post

Mass psychosis and the technological race to destroy humanity


Bernie Suarez

Psychosis is defined essentially as a mental disorder which usually consist of hallucinations and or delusions which indicate a disconnect from reality. Delusions are a false belief, and hallucinations being a mental sensory perception of something that does not exist. Put these all together and you have a mental disorder which accompanies an irrational behavior based on a trend of thought and belief that, as you continue to entertain, only disconnects you further and further from reality.

One of the greatest deceptions, and now an arguably new mental infirmity, is the idea that we (humanity) need more and more technology in our lives. We are all being told and led to believe that whatever machines we have now are not enough and never will be. We are led to believe that there must be a way to make it better, faster, stronger or more effective. There is much logic to this argument After all, who doesn’t want something to become better? Why would someone not want something to work better? Anything that is made to work better and more improved, one would think, is naturally the best option. But is this really true? No it is not and here’s why.

Nowhere in nature do we see such desperate pushing for improvement. Only humans seem to have the weakness and defect of not ever being satisfied. Nowhere in the animal kingdom does this irrational urge to make things better and better and better, even far and beyond the point where the usefulness of the machine is adequate and nearly perfect. In fact, even within humanity there are few if any behaviors that when pursued continuously and obsessively beyond the point where it’s needed is not considered an obsession or disorder of some kind.

If one only lives to make money and cares not about anything else, one can reasonably observe that this is a disorder. Or if someone only seeks love to the point of not earning money or taking care of responsibilities, that too would be perceived as perhaps a form of disorder or imbalance. The obsessive non-stop irrational quest for newer and newer technology, however, is looked upon as good by society regardless of how much damage it does to humanity. There seems to never be an end to the quest for technology.

Technology is now becoming one of the greatest obstacles preventing humanity from thriving. We are natural creatures, we are part of nature and we are supposed to contribute to the flow of nature not fight against it. Technology is created by the human mind, only now this technology is not being guided by the laws of nature, ethics, morality, good will, health goals or spiritual enhancement.

From mind control, to Global surveillance, to human extinction with drones and other weapons of mass destruction, the obsession with technology has become a major threat to humanity. Given the state we are in, it is becoming more difficult to excuse the irrational love and desperate quest for more and more technology. This new psychosis finds itself predominantly in the circles of government and mega corporations as companies like Google continue to search and research for more and more technology that will make the new world order and the global prison bullet proof to opposition.

As we chronicle the road to modern-day tyranny, technology is at the center of it all. None of this would be possible without an unusual amount of energy being applied to this cause. That ‘unusual’ amount of energy can only come from a mind that is functioning abnormally. In a perfect world we would harness the technology in a good way and advance helpful technology only. Many have hopes for this, but unfortunately the Elite power structures have the majority of the technology, the keys to the laboratory, and the psychopaths willing to pay the scientists and engineers to brainstorm more and more ways to enslave humanity.

The technology psychosis is on a wild ride at the expense of humanity; and the lust for more of it, I believe, is a reflection of an illness. Take a minute and consider the issue and ask yourself, what are we doing? Humanity is not naturally designed to commune and harmonize with machines that emit dangerous electromagnetic waves and impulses. The truth is that we had better consider this issue before humanity becomes extinct. We are already on the verge of extinction in a myriad ways, we can check off the list:

. Weapons of mass destruction enough to destroy the planet many times over in the hands of psychopaths.

Weather modification technology and contamination of the entire ecosystem with metal particle contaminants already done.

. Poisons and toxins spilled all over the ocean and planet killing millions of birds, fish, sea creatures and even insects, important bacteria and other life forms.

. Robots being created to control, track and kill humans, all in the hands of psychopaths.

. Genetically tampering the very food we eat.

The list goes on and on, This psychosis almost certainly guarantees the destruction of humanity.

Read More: via IntelliHub

U.N. panel Admits Chemtrails Are Real

The following video is an admission by Rosalind Peterson, President of the Agriculture Defence Coalition, who addresses the UN on the truth behind chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather modification.

The acknowledgement by the UN that our skies are being polluted with aluminium, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver should give weight to the claims that Chemtrails can cause a whole host of health problems in the general population.

Via: Your News Wire

NY Times Reporter Found Dead After Exposing Mind Control Ops (MKULTRA,Psychotronics)


A former New York Times reporter has been found Dead in the Dominican Republic following her exposure of Mind Control victims,tracing back to the MKULTRA Project.

Sarah Kershaw was found asphyxiated due to strangulation. Her Death Has been deemed a suicide after a coroners examination, Contrary to an initial report released by the Dominican National Police that she had been strangled.

Ms Kershaw published an article with the New York Times exploring the subject of Government Mind control experiments and Gang Stalking in 2008, with her article Sharing their Demons on the Web

Citing in her article:

“For people who regularly visit and write on message boards on the mind-control sites, the idea that others would describe the sites as promoting delusional and psychotic thinking is simply evidence of a cover-up of the truth.”

In her article, Ms. Kershaw wrote that people who felt they were being targeted had found the support of Missouri Representative Jim Guest, who told the Times: “I’ve had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons. They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night.”

When Ms. Kershaw wrote her article, psychotronic warfare was not legal against US citizens, but that all changed with the National Defense Authorization Act 2013.

Is it possible that Ms. Kershaw stumbled upon some new information that made her dangerous? Considering the speed at which the capabilities of psychotronic weapons has improved, the possibility is extremely high.

Via Your News Wire

Pentagon Admission: It’s Been Deploying Military Drones to Spy on Americans

drone+over+city (1)

Under a FOIA request, a Pentagon inspector general made public a report admitting to the use of drones to spy on U.S. citizens.The missions were non-military in nature, meaning they were used for domestic spying purposes. Naturally, the Pentagon is claiming it broke no laws in the deployment of said drones and contends that the flights were rare.

The idea of US military drones flying over the heads of US citizens and monitoring them is ominous, which explains why the Pentagon has kept it secret — despite the contention of breaking no laws.While the report on domestic drone use was completed in March of 2015, it was only quietly released last week.

According to USA Today’s report:

Shortly before the inspector general report was completed a year ago, the Pentagon issued a new policy governing the use of spy drones. It requires the defense secretary to approve all domestic spy drone operations. It says that unless permitted by law and approved by the secretary, drones “may not conduct surveillance on U.S. persons.” It also bans the use of armed drones over the United States for anything other training and testing.

The units who have been operating the drones stated to the inspector general they want to fly more missions domestically. “Multiple units told us that as forces using the UAS capabilities continue to draw down overseas, opportunities for UAS realistic training and use have decreased,”
However, drone usage overseas has not been reduced, and, in fact, their use has skyrocketed under the current administration. Just last year, the Pentagon announced that they had plans to sharply expand the number of U.S. drone flights over the next four years, giving military commanders access to more intelligence and greater firepower to keep up with a sprouting number of global hot spots.

Now, all the military has to do to fly weaponized drones over US citizens is say they are training.
The use of military gear on US citizens has sharply increased over the last decade as police departments have become heavily militarized with weapons once used on the battlefield. Now, instead of giving these weapons to police departments, the military seems to be conducting their own missions against US citizens.

Via TheRunDown Live