What Is DARPA Planning With The W.E.F ?

Original article by Marie Hawthorne

In 2013, President Obama awarded $100 million in grant money to launch the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative. This program conducts neurotechnological research in the name of treating various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, and brain injuries. By 2016, the BRAIN Initiative was supported by multiple federal agencies and dozens of partners in the academic and private sectors. Some of the research sounds fascinating. They have been investigating ways to deliver naturalistic sensations to amputees, as well as restoring brain function in people that have suffered severe brain trauma. I can see this being a godsend to people with severe injuries or amputations. 


DARPA’s research involves treating brain networks. The Systems Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS) program involves therapies that treat psychiatric illness by recording and analyzing brain activity with near-real-time brain stimulation to correct brain dysfunction. This research, begun under Obama’s BRAIN Initiative almost ten years ago, has translated into some real-world success stories. Some people have indeed experienced real relief from the symptoms of severe depression with targeted brain stimulation. DARPA’s research has made progress manipulating brain function via surgically implanted electrodes. They are also researching non-surgical methods to do the same.

What are the risks here of the DARPA BRAIN Initiative?

When we open up channels between human brains and electronic devices, we create new pathways of communication. In his 1928 book Propaganda, Edward Bernays states, “There is no means of communication which may not also be a means of deliberate propaganda.” Every time we open up new avenues of communication, we also open up new ways to be manipulated. The technology toward brain-digital interfacing has progressed a long way. And we have the same argument that comes along with every burst of new technology. 

Do the risks outweigh the gains? Most of the time, we say no.  

But let’s think about the internet.

The internet created a revolution in communications, the like of which we have not seen since the invention of the printing press. And are we not subjected to more propaganda than ever? Does it not take more and more effort to sift the truth from the half-truths and the outright lies?

This is widely recognized, though I think we’re heading in the wrong direction. Look at Biden’s newest creation, the Disinformation Governance Board. Ostensibly created to crack down on Russian misinformation and smuggling on the U.S.-Mexico border, the DGB will ultimately stifle dissent. 

It would be naïve in the extreme to think that none of this research by DARPA could be used for nefarious purposes. DARPA only discusses the peaceful, medical aspects of their neuroscientific research. But a funny thing turned up in a FOIA request back in 2018.

A journalist for Muckrock magazine sent in a FOIA request regarding Antifa/BLM activity. Along with the information he requested, another file was accidentally slipped in with everything else.

The Muckrock journalist was shocked by his accidental find, to say the least, and they published this back in 2018.   It’s unclear how much progress has been made in weaponizing the human-digital interface, but people are thinking about it, and it looks like they have been for a long time. Now, DARPA may be full of the most selfless public servants dedicated to nothing but the safety and well-being of the American people. But a funny thing about technology is that it has a way of escaping, and there are plenty of groups out there who emphatically do not have the well-being of the American people in mind. I can imagine they are pretty interested in brain mapping and manipulation too.

One man in particular who regularly speaks of humans as machines to be “hacked” is Dr. Yuval Harari. 

He took part in a roundtable discussion on Hacking Humans hosted by the (EPFL).

The thought of this man, or anyone with his mindset, having control over other humans is disturbing in the extreme. Dr. Harari believes in the inherent superiority of algorithms. He insists humans kill everything around them and that the majority are only capable of thinking in the short term. To have any life left at all, we must rely on algorithms to make decisions for us. Dr. Harari says that humans have never been as free as we thought and that the concept of freedom is mostly just a collection of bio-cultural factors. He goes on to say that people with a firm sense of their own free will are dangerous but easy to manipulate.   

Dr. Harari works with the World Economic Forum and so, unfortunately, does DARPA.

While DARPA claims to work primarily with the interests of the United States at heart, what happens to their $3.8 billion per year budget tells another story. You can go down a real rabbit hole trying to find every last detail about where their money goes, but for the purposes of this article, it should suffice to say that they direct a great deal of money to the same bioengineering firms as the WEF. If DARPA knows how to do something, it’s safe to assume that the control fiends at the WEF will soon know it, too.

Source: The Organic Prepper